Carnival of souls

* Ken Parille goes mining for gold in the rich vein that is Tim Hensley’s Wally Gropius. There’s so much to talk about in that damn book!

* Recently on Robot 6: How to successfully pitch a superhero comic;

* and Cameron Stewart on leaving The Return of Bruce Wayne.

* Any gamers out there know much about Monster Hunter Tri? Because Sumantra Lahiri’s review at The House Next Door makes it sound like something I’d love.

* Holy crap, this is like the nerd motherlode: The guys who are creating the Dothraki language for HBO’s A Game of Thrones adaptation respond to the Scientific American article that presented a linguist’s wishlist for potential features of the language.

* Cute stuff, Jim Rugg.

* Tom Neely updated his website with hella stuff.

* Real-Life Horror: President Bush breaks his silence to let everyone know how much he loves torturing people.

* Quote of the day:

I think that there’s a whole school of story-tellers presently working who are fascinated by the aesthetics of the weird and supernatural, the fantastic and unseen, but utterly bored with whole people and tight narrative. The Sixth Sense ruined it up for everybody. We’re all sitting around waiting on some undisclosed secret. You don’t need a great protagonist. But you do need a twist.

Ta-Nehisi Coates on Firefly.

* I’m very sad that Rue McClanahan died. She’s my favorite Golden Girl because the episodes where something sad or touching happens to her just tear my heart right out.

Carnival of souls

* A pair of bloggers tackle two of the three major recent altcomix releases that begin with the letter W: Tucker Stone on Jim Woodring’s Weathercraft and Christopher Allen on Wally Gropius. I don’t think I agree with Chris’s take on Gropius, which I feel is only superficially superficial; Tucker’s piece is more or less on the futility of having a take on a book like Weathercraft. Both books are doozies and both pieces are worth thinking about.

* Suddenly there’s a lot of Frank Miller talk to read. I like his read on his own 300 as a sort of Spartan Starship Troopers.

* Recently on Robot 6: Emily Henochowicz lost an eye protesting the Israeli flotilla raid; here’s her art;

* and Ta-Nehisi Coates wrote a bit about anti-Irish racism today; here’s their art.

* Cameron Stewart out, Georges Jeanty in on the Western issue of The Return of Bruce Wayne. Too bad.

* A full-page ad for We’re Only In It for the Money by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention in 1968’s Daredevil #38? Sure, I’ll eat it.

* It hits on a topic or two a little repetitively, but that aside, Sean O’Neal’s interview with LCD Soundsystem’s James Murphy for the Onion AV Club is festooned with gems, like this bit about wearing one’s influences on one’s sleeve:

“Somebody’s Calling Me” was written in the middle of the night, and usually I’m pretty purposeful about my grand theft, like stealing the guitar sound from [Robert] Fripp for “All I Want” and stuff like that. “Somebody’s Calling Me” was written in my sleep, and the original was just the piano and the beat and the singing. And that was it, because I was on Xanax and asleep, and that’s what I did in the middle of the night. But then when I was working on it, putting in the little synth sounds and stuff like that, I was totally like, “Ha ha, this sounds like ‘Nightclubbing.’ Let’s put some crazy synth sounds on it.” Once you find out it sounds like that, you just have to allow yourself to use what you like, or else you’re trying to hide it–and that’s usually a way to make a boring song. I’d rather have a song I like that sounds like another song, than a song that I’m hoping nobody notices sounds like another song that I’m not that into.

(Via Dave Gutowski.)

Comics Time: Monstrosity Mini


Monstrosity Mini

Jorge Diaz, writer/artist

self-published, 2009

12 pages


Read it under the title Special Report at

There are pros and cons to be found in this one. Let’s start with the pros. As Alan Moore understood when constructing the punchline for his big shaggy-dog joke at the superhero genre’s expense, the giant-monster horror/sci-fi subgenre is ripe for comedic exploitation, not in the sense of creating funny-looking Mighty Morphin Power Rangers-style creatures, but in the sense of “How the hell does something of that size and disposition appear out of nowhere, anyway?” Cartoonist Jorge Diaz milks the most out of that “no one expects the Spanish Inquisition giant monsters!” idea by piling one on top of another in this brief teaser for his longer Monstrosity anthology: an irradiated meteor creates one giant monster, our military response to that giant monster attracts two more giant monsters from outer space, our military response to those giant monsters unleashes another giant monster from a parallel dimension, and we deliberately unleash still another giant monster to combat the first three. Meanwhile, those giant monsters are, in turn, a “Squirrelzilla,” two massive alien environmentalists, a skeletal fish-god, and a giant hummingbird summoned by two tiny, elderly Japanese former-schoolgirls. It’s all cockamamie, but no more cockamamie than, well, any giant-monster movie or comic you’ve ever seen. Meanwhile, the story is presented in recap by a harried news anchorman in a deadpan recitation that further emphasizes the ridiculousness of it all–as does the material’s presentation in this tiny minicomic, which shrinks each TV-monitor panel down to a meticulous-looking grid and serves as an ideal showcase for Diaz’s tight, cartoony line and design work.

The cons, by now, might be obvious to you–most so, “Squirrelzilla” and two giant alien environmentalists just aren’t that funny a pair of gags. Nor is the plot’s resolution, which involves luring the beasts to a Monster Island-type destination with sonic rhythms that cause them to hump each other. It’s broad stuff, overly so. But by contrast, the design for the giant hummingbird is both funny and strong–its tail twirls off behind it in strands, casting off stars and hearts and other beautiful illustrative super-kawaii filigrees. So too is the design of the diminutive, antennae’d Japanese ladies who summon him, all stooped shoulders and wrinkled, benevolent faces. The image of a giant fish skeleton wreaking havoc manages to be both amusing and genuinely weird. There’s also a great throwaway panel of a herd of elephants dancing in line thanks to that sonic frequency thing. In essence, the more Diaz tries to nail down very specific ideas and images rather than playing to the cheap seats, the better he both looks and reads.

Carnival of souls

* Screw the UPS guys and their shorts: Tom Spurgeon’s epic annual guide to the San Diego Comic-Con is the #1 sign that summer’s here. If you’re a long-time reader like I am, it’s fun (if a little daunting) to note the changes he’s made to it following the dawn of the Con’s Six-Month-Out Sellout Era. At any rate it’s the next best thing to going to the show. I do, however, miss the joke about being the Jerome to Paul Pope’s Morris Day.

* Frank Miller’s Xerxes!!! Three exclamation points for this.


* Eventually we’re going to have to politely ask Jim Woodring to please never draw these kinds of things again, aren’t we.

* Marc-Oliver Frisch lists 10 things he thinks superhero comics do better than any other genre in any other storytelling form, then promises not to blog about superhero comics for a year. I responded to both ends of the post on Robot 6.

* Fight the real enemy.

* I’m about a week late to CollegeHumor’s video list of unanswered Lost questions. As you might expect from the sort of mentality that would lead one to create such a list, it’s a fairly even mix of fair, unfair, picayune, “hey, good point,” “dude, they totally answered that,” “c’mon man, use context clues,” and “jeez, would you prefer them to have used midichlorians?” Spoilery, duh.

Carnival of souls: Special “The Most Eventful Memorial Day Weekend in Nerd History” edition

* Guillermo del Toro is no longer directing the two Hobbit movies due to its ongoing MGM-related delays playing havoc with his schedule. I’m pretty glad about this, since I thought both Hellboy and Pan’s Labyrinth were bad in just the sort of unimaginatively dingy way that would be really problematic for The Hobbit. (Click the links for my reviews if you want.) But del Toro’s still co-writing the movie with Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, and Philippa Boyens, which I guess I’m okay with since Tolkien’s original should mitigate against del Toro’s tendency toward lackadaisical plotting. What I really wonder is how much of his art direction will survive into the final product–as you might have guessed, I think his creature work is overrated. Jackson says he’ll step in to direct the movies himself if push comes to shove (via The One Ring), but only then, and he sounds less than thrilled by the idea. Neill Blomkamp, call your agent.

* The Acme Novelty Library #20: Lint: October 12, 2010.


* Here’s the new trailer for Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.

I know Michael Cera comes in for a lot of criticism just for being Michael Cera, but it’s Mary Elizabeth Winstead’s flat-affect Ramona Flowers that’s throwing me for a bit of a loop here. Oh well, it’s just a trailer, I’m sure it’ll be at least pretty good. (Via Shaggy Erwin.)

* Recently on Robot 6: an H.P. Lovecraft art show featuring Johnny Ryan and Aeron Alfrey.

* Deadspin’s “Dead Wrestler of the Week” series by its anonymous wrestling reporter is just plain magnificent. A couple of the earliest installments are a bit rough, but the pieces on Andre the Giant, the Junkyard Dog, and Miss Elizabeth are bleakly insightful elegies, exploring the strange and shady world of pro wrestling and their iconic roles in it. Even a piece on a borderline jobber like Dino Bravo is memorable for what it reveals about how wrestling changed in our lifetimes. And dig this passage from the article on the Ultimate Warrior Is Dead rumor:

As an insurgent, the Ultimate Warrior was irrepressible, but as a champion he was dull. The eccentricity that once made him stand out made him seem dark and bizarre in comparison to the shining light of Hulkamania. When Hogan rallied his little Hulkamaniacs to his cause, it seemed a joyous army; when the Warrior spoke to his “little warriors,” he seemed to be preaching to a cult. If Hogan was the wrestling Billy Graham (the evangelist, that is, not the actual wrestler), the Warrior was Jim Jones.

Man oh man. (Via Eric Harvey.)

* Just curious, and I’m sure some of you actually have the answer: How many times has Jeph Loeb introduced a big new mystery villain, killed off the character everyone suspected as being that mystery villain, then revealed that that character wasn’t really dead and a doppelganger of some sort was involved and the real character was indeed the mystery villain all along? I know he did it in Hush–didn’t he do that in one or two of those Tim Sale Batman books, too?

* Rest in peace, Dennis Hopper. As far as tributes are concerned, I couldn’t find that bit from Land of the Dead where he shoots his assistant in the face, but Matt Zoller Seitz’s 25-minute salute to the man and his career as an actor and director will more than suffice.

Comics Time: Mr. Cellar’s Attic


Mr. Cellar’s Attic

Noel Freibert, writer/artist

Extreme Troglodyte, April 2010

12 pages


Buy it from Closed Caption Comics

Although that little jpg might get the idea across, you really need to hold the cardstock covers of Closed Caption Comics member Mr. Freibert’s latest horror-comic throwback to see how beautifully screenprinted those colors are. It seriously looks like he sat there and did it by hand with pastel colored pencils. The thinness and shakiness and uniform weight of his linework only further reemphasizes that Mr. Cellar’s Attic was an act of drawing, something that came out of the tip of a pencil or pen held by a person. Which, now that I think of it, is maybe how Freibert is able to reclaim the hoary EC Comics/Edgar Allen Poe/”Colour Out of Space” proto-body-horror tropes he’s working with out of the realm of cliche and make them feel like a force to be reckoned with again. In addition to the cool, clever wordplay of the title, Freibert’s pacing keeps things feeling fresh and lively and present, if you will. There’s an uneasy sense of discovery as Freibert’s guilty-conscienced narrator recounts his ill-fated decision to rent out his attic room to an elderly grotesque, whose personal hygiene and mysterious conduct gets worse and worse until the story culminates with the narrator’s inspection of the room he rented…and the smaller room he built inside it. That’s a great, weird image, and what is found inside that room doesn’t disappoint either. The thing ends with a gorgeously colored shot that all but demands Vincent Price be resurrected to provide his trademark cackle as its soundtrack. If you want a comic that utilizes the tools of today’s artcomix aesthetic to evoke the sensation you got when you were a kid looking at the awesomely hideous masks in the grown-up section of the Halloween store, you know where to look.

Comics Time: Big Questions #14: Title and Deed


Big Questions #14: Title and Deed

Anders Nilsen, writer/artist

Drawn & Quarterly, May 2010

50 pages


Buy it from Drawn & Quarterly

You know how on The Sopranos, it was always the penultimate episode of the season that had the big climax? This is the penultimate issue of Big Questions.

I know I’ve got Lost on the brain this week, and it’s largely with that show in mind that I re-read all 14 issues of Nilsen’s anthropomorphized allegorical avian opus to date. Much more so than do the Vertigo-type series with which you’ll see the occasional facile comparison, Big Questions serves up a similarly intoxicating, dread-tinged cocktail. Flawed characters are buffeted by forces beyond their comprehension, who in turn have just as little control over their own destinies. Violence is ever-present, shocking and exciting when it erupts, devastating in its aftermath. Story seeds planted years ago (Big Questions has been running since 1998!) suddenly blossom, entangle, and collide, in this issue most of all. Of course the “big questions”–about the limits of our understanding, about the point of being here at all–are asked, if rarely answered. An overall high-quality visual presentation makes it all the more inviting, while individual images, like the one that graces this issue’s cover and the constituent parts of the harrowing sequence that precedes it, burn with the fire of the surreal and stick in the memory, giving your thoughts on the overall series something to coalesce around like coral. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry. Only instead of an attractive multinational cast, this one has birds.

My hunch is that when the fifteenth and final issue arrives, Big Questions will be looked at like Black Hole or the Jimmy Corrigan issues of Acme Novelty Library, both for the magnitude of the undertaking and the magnificence of its execution from top to bottom. I read a lot of good comics; this is a great comic.

Carnival of souls

* Have you pitched in to the Comics Comics fundraiser yet? I snagged myself three issues of Comics Comics, The Art of Hipgnosis and Overspray for a song. I mean, the shipping’s even free. Make sure to buy stuff today, because a lot of the offers are over as of midnight!

* How not to pitch to Secret Acres. I’d imagine this applies to virtually any publisher.

* Rich Juzwiak reveals the Manly Movie classic Over the Top. The phrase “a big fucking bear whose balls you can smell from your couch” is involved. MUST-READ

* Hubba hubba, Erin Womack!


* Frank Santoro takes you behind the scenes of a drawing of the evil Senator Wastmor.


* I don’t like M.I.A. very much, so maybe it’s just my low expectations for her, but I don’t think this instantly infamous New York Times profile about which she has subsequently flipped out and tweeted the interviewer’s personal cell phone number is all that bad. “Pop Star Says Vapidly Provocative Things, Is a Doofus” is a dog bites man story if ever there was one. Then again, these things are all relative.

Carnival of souls: Special “noteworthy posts” edition

* There are three things I’ve written recently that have generated some fun discussion so I wanted to make sure to call them all out again, in case you’d like to chip in your two cents:

* On Robot 6 I asked what comics arguments people would like to here more often, in place of the ones we’re all sick of. My suggestion was “Why do superhero comics so dominate the online discussion of comics?” And I’m talking even well-rounded readers/writers who are perfectly capable of talking about other things just as often.

* Also on Robot 6, I asked whether you need to like a character to like the comic about him or her. This stems from Dan Clowes’s Wilson and the focus on the titular jerk’s unlikability. In the comments I start wondering if maybe Wilson’s better seen in the context of comic character-constructions like Laurel & Hardy or Tim & Eric as opposed to your basic fully-fledged well-rounded psychologically complex literary character.

* Finally, here’s a working link to my third post on the Lost finale, which I flubbed yesterday. The discussion is still going strong, which isn’t surprising if the way my own thoughts on the episode fluctuate from day to day and hour to hour is at all indicative of a broader reaction.

* Tom Spurgeon disagrees with Tom Brevoort about the potential risks of the four-dollar monthly comic. Looking at the post in question, I think the Hindenburg comparison is cutting those sentiments a little slack, actually.

* Matt Zoller Seitz and Ali Arikan talk John Williams and his music for the Star Wars prequels, which they consider his masterpiece, with “Duel of the Fates” at the tippy-top. “Duel” is definitely dude at the top of his game decades into his career, if you ask me. To paraphrase Christopher Moltisanti, FUCK Carl Orff, Johnny Williams just took him to composing school.

* Curt Purcell talks Blackest Night again, from its leads to its compartmentalized-by-subgenre structure to its observation of Aristotelian temporal unity.

* Comics, wake up! The call is coming from inside the house! Great line, Heidi.

* Marvel is publishing a comic with this Alan Aldridge image on the cover. Wow.


* ABC is selling official Lost merchandise with these Ty Mattson images on them. Wow.


* It’s only when superhero comics are described by truly disinterested outsiders, as opposed to self-conscious fans or ex-fans, that you realize how truly ridiculous they can be.

* For a second there, I thought Rob Bricken had been replaced by Jason Adams. (Man, that is some Attentiondeficitdisorderly linkblogging inside baseball.)

* Happy 10th Birthday, Boswash!

Comics Time: Held Sinister


Held Sinister

Conor Stechschulte, writer/artist

Closed Caption Comics, June 2009(?)

32 pages

I don’t remember what I paid for it

I’m coming up empty, but maybe you can buy it from Closed Caption Comics

I’ll tell you what, I wish I could find a link at which you could buy this comic, because if you enjoy the rough-edged alt-art-horror comics I talk about on this blog all the time? Dude, run, don’t walk.

Stechschulte’s art is rough in the extreme, a scribbled mess of thick blacks that nonetheless coheres into something palpable and easy to parse. It reminds me a bit of when I was a kid and I’d scribble one continuous line on a page for a long time, and then go back and highlight the figures and shapes I’d unwittingly drawn in the process. It’s not that manic, but that’s the general idea. It’s a great way to convey claustrophobia and barely contained desperation, which is what our main character experiences as he anticipates and then experiences what is apparently a monthly encounter with a sinister, supernatural visitor–a doppelganger carved from shadow itself. It’s a cool little story, a dark fairy tale or a lost piece of Poe, distinguished by a strong fight sequence, complicating details like the place a body gets stuffed, and a convincing air of inevitability and despair. I wish someone would put together an anthology of horror comics like this. I’d read the shit out of it, and if you care about horror in comics, you would too.

Lost thoughts part three

My third all-new collection of thoughts about the show and its finale can be found here. Once again, it’s in the middle of a comment thread I think you’ll get a lot out of.

Carnival of souls

* In less than twelve hours, my post on the Lost finale became the most commented-on post in the history of this blog by a comfortable margin. There are over 50 posts in there, and I claim about one-fiftieth of the credit: The regular crew of Lost watchers who’ve been good enough to do their thing in those Lost thoughts threads week in and week out have created a conversation about the show a million times better than anything I’d ever hoped to find online. Thank you so much, all you participants–and if you haven’t joined in, what better time than now?

* I’ve linked to these posts in the aforementioned thread, but I was pretty taken by some of the thoughts on the episode and the series offered up by Todd VanDerWerff, Alan Sepinwall, and Rob Bricken.

* To that list I’d add Steve Murray/Chip Zdarsky’s magisterial interactive illustration of almost the entire cast of characters. I don’t think he gets any of the women right, but the men are pretty much wall-to-wall impeccable, especially the ones with the craziest or saddest eyes. (Via Kate Beaton.)


* In the sense that last night saw the conclusion of a serialized genre drama I’d been heavily emotionally invested in for almost six years, I couldn’t help but think of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, the future installments of which I’ll be waiting for with the proverbial bated breath. Turns out I’m not alone: this is spoilery for the series so be warned, but the GRRM fan site The Tower of the Hand is asking its readers if they’d be okay with a certain loose end remaining forever untied.

* Tom Spurgeon on three comics arguments we could be having instead of all the old, tired, stupid ones. Much more on this anon.

* CRwM spots a passage from C.S. Lewis on fear vs. dread that reads like something H.P. Lovecraft could have written. Sharp stuff from the Don of Narnia.

* That’s some crazy Frank Quitely Green Lantern art. Who colored this thing?


* If Dave Kiersh keeps drawing ’em, I’ll keep linking to ’em.


* If Zak Smith keeps writing ’em, I’ll keep linking to ’em. This one’s on Weird vs. Noir storytelling. Think of the subway episode of Seinfeld when you read it.

* Recently on Robot 6: Tom Neely draws the bloody bejesus out of Conan;


* Jim Woodring draws the bloody bejesus out of whatever the hell the things he’s drawing are;


* and the comics argument I’m interested in having, spinning out of this provocative post by Tom Spurgeon.

Lost thoughts part two

Click here for further Lost thoughts from me if you’d like. It’s a full-fledged post of its own, right smack-dab in the middle of one of our best comment threads yet.

A spoilery comparison of Lost and Battlestar Galactica


Okay, you knew this had to happen once you saw what went on in the Lost finale. I came thisclose to promising a separate post on this topic in my Lost thoughts last night, and when I woke up this morning multiple people had already asked me to do so. Like I said, you knew it had to happen.

I think there are two big differences between the two finales, both of which were a mainline hit of mysticism.

First, the mysticism of the Battlestar Galactica finale tied in directly to the show’s central driving conflict and overarching mythology. The “God” we hear about here was the one responsible for such major mystical mysteries as Gaius Baltar’s visions of Six (and Caprica Six’s visions of Gaius Baltar) and Kara Thrace’s strange resurrection, and is the “truth” behind the bowdlerized judgmental monotheism of the Cylons and the more humanistic but still off-model polytheism of the Colonists. In Lost‘s case, while it does seem like the Island is the world’s most direct manifestation of the force for good behind the flashsideways afterlife, that’s a link in a much more general sense. It seems like any group of people who were tied together by anything would have ended up in much the same place; moreover, the Island plot is resolved without requiring any knowledge of the show’s conception of the afterlife, if that makes sense. The afterlife ties things together emotionally, not narratively, whereas in BSG, it’s linked directly to the big plot questions.

The second and more damning thing for Lost is that its conception of spirituality as articulated in that final sequence is awfully banal: The afterlife is a place generated by the force of goodness behind all major religions where you reunite with your loved ones, atone for your sins and shortcomings, and find true happiness before achieving literal enlightenment. Generic New-Age self-help stuff–whoopedy doo! By contrast, the “God” of Battlestar Galactica embraces its own sneer quotes and acts in morally dubious fashion in order to push humanity and cylonity (?) through a series of cycles of genocide and rapprochement for reasons still unknown. The God of BSG is a weird thing whose role in the finale is still haunting and challenging me today, whereas the creators of Lost could have just mailed every viewer a copy of The Celestine Prophecy and been done with it.

Actually, now that I think of it, the God of BSG is a bit like what we thought about “the Island” when we believed it was the source of all the manipulative goings on, before Jacob and the Man in Black entered the picture–a near-omnipotent force that’s probably ultimately a force for what we’d consider “good” but which on the way there does all sorts of heinous shit for reasons we can’t begin to comprehend in the moment.

Finally, I’ve always found it super-stupid to object to genre fiction simply because you discover its conception of the supernatural doesn’t jibe with your own: I read people saying things like “The Exorcist isn’t scary to me because I’m not Catholic” and simply can’t fathom how crazy that is. You don’t find many mackerel-snappers more lapsed than me but I still get the chills when they chant “The power of Christ compels you!” So it’s not like I’ve got beef with Lost for having a relatively upbeat view on spirituality whereas I tend not to. But I do tend not to. I find the atheist/anti-mysticism apoplexy over Lost‘s finale–seriously, people were losing their shit on Twitter–as silly and funny and pathetic and small-minded as I did when it happened at the end of BSG; that said, my hunch is that if there is a God then he’s a lot more like the vast and cool and unsympathetic entity running the show in the BSG universe, or like “the Island” or like a one-man Jacob/Man in Black mash-up. I figured I might as well cop to that.

Comics Time: Snow Time


Snow Time

Nora Krug, writer/artist

self-published, 2010

12 pages

I don’t remember what it cost, but I remember it wasn’t cheap

Read it for free, in German, on (click the “Book/Comic” section, then click the third image)

How I love little arty morality plays. Hot-shit illustrator Nora Krug follows up her ambitious Red Riding Hood Redux project–probably my big find for MoCCA 2009–with this short, achingly lovely to look at story of weather and murder. Like Red Riding Hood, Snow Time hides some rough stuff beneath its pretty surface, this time around telling the story of a man whose mother’s suicide has left him with dangerous abandonment issues. None of this is made clear until the middle of the story, after which the man’s apparent delight and attention to the snowman he’s built in his front yard in the middle of a weeks-long spate of snowstorms takes on a new (albeit only implied) punchline quality, and it’s a refreshingly chilling one. (Pun intended, but seriously, the image it implies through one quick panel of the snowman melting is sticking with me.) Snow Time is also an exercise in getting rich, sumptuous green-blues and manila-yellows to not just sit on a page, but radiate off of it, the way you can feel cold coming off of something metal. It ends with a tableau of grim discovery that reminds me of Taxi Driver of all things. It was worth the coin.

Lost thoughts


* Hmmm, I dunno. Honestly I had to take my cat to the emergency vet tonight and that situation is far from resolved so I don’t know if my head’s in the game, really. I do have two major thoughts.

* I think the main thing I haven’t wrapped my head around just yet is the disconnect between the flashsideways and its resolution and anything having to do with the Island. I mean, yeah, on a certain level that stained glass window is telling us that the Island is connected with whatever spiritual whatsit is in charge of whatever afterlife they went to. But it’s not a specific connection as best I can tell. It’s sort of like, I don’t know, if at the end of…I don’t know, Road House? If Dalton defeated Wesley and saves the town and avenges Wade Garrett and all that stuff, and then also he goes to Heaven. Like, the actual resolution of the show doesn’t really have anything to do with the resolution of the plot. So I’m gonna have to wrestle with that some.

* I don’t really mind, in the end, all the loose ends. I never thought I’d mind the various dotted-I crossed-T loose ends like who shot at the kayak. And I’ll live without some of the “we thought this was gonna be a big deal in the early seasons but then we went in a different direction” loose ends like WAAAAAAAAALT!!!!! I’m not thrilled, but I’ll live. But what I’m really okay with is just how much is an out-and-out mystery. Why did Ben and Widmore have their falling out? Why was Dogen so important? How did the Monster swoop in to manipulate the Others without Jacob stopping it> When the hell did the Island get overrun by Egyptian architects? How long was Mother around? Et cetera et cetera et cetera. I am pretty much fine with not having any idea but what I myself can deduce and infer and other words of that nature. I totally don’t mind looking at the show like you looked at the Star Wars franchise after Return of the Jedi. What were the Clone Wars? How did Yoda train Obi-Wan? Why did Darth Vader turn on the Jedi? Where’d the Emperor come from? What was up with Boba Fett? Folks, are you better off knowing those answers?

Thought of the day


I would love, love, love to see a Hulk vs. Superman fight done with the intensity of that fight from Deadwood. You know the one.

(Via Tom Spurgeon.)

Carnival of souls

* Zak Smith ought to be making all fantastic-fiction writers raise their respective games.

* Ron Rege Jr. joins What Things Do! And with one of the better Ron Rege Jr. comics you’re likely to see.


* More like this, please, Dave Kiersh!


* Another new Josh Simmons comic!

* Cute idea. Would have been cuter if they’d gotten A-listers to do all of them instead of admitted rush-jobs, but still cute.


* Real-Life Horror: Bagram is the new Guantanamo.

* Okay Internet, you’re definitely right about this one.

* Finally, this is your last chance ever to join our weekly Lost thoughts discussion and speculate about what might happen next; after Sunday night, there are no more nexts. Please stop by then, too, and we’ll hash out the whole damn series together!

Comics Time: The Mystic Hands of Doctor Strange #1


The Mystic Hands of Doctor Strange #1

Keiron Gillen, Peter Milligan, Ted McKeever, Mike Carey, writers

Frazer Irving, Frank Brunner, Ted McKeever, Marcos Martin, artists

Marvel, March 2010

48 pages


I’ve read enough Hellblazer to understand the appeal of an anthology-style series of self-contained stories about a sorcerer jumping ugly with the dark supernatural and coming out on top, but at a price. John Constantine himself, though, is not for me. The spiked hair and stubble and cigarettes, the rumpled trenchcoat and English curses…obviously that’s cool with a capital C for many people, but it’s just not a set of character descriptors I can get terribly invested in. I think my favorite Hellblazer stuff I’ve ever read was a Jamie Delano thing back when he had longish wavy hair and spent the arc in jeans and a clean white t-shirt.

Doctor Strange, on the other hand? Oh yes indeed. People like NeilAlien and Tom Spurgeon have made much more convincing cases on behalf of the once and (hopefully) future Master of the Mystic Arts than I could ever do, but I’ll simply say that he’s a collection of images and ideas that I really like when they’re all smushed together. I like his big high-collared cloak, the Eye of Agamotto, his goatee/gray-temples combo, his Steve Ditko hands and Steve Ditko psychedelic vistas, his Greenwich Village lair that’s got more mysterious rooms than you’d find in its official floorplan, his pal Wong, his origin as the world’s biggest dickhead who suddenly realizes what a worthless tool he is when his hands get broken in a car wreck and he can no longer be a hot-shit surgeon, his vision quest in the Himalayas, his gorgeously designed enemies like Dormammu and the Mindless Ones, the idea that he’s constantly fighting against so many massive threats that neither the other heroes nor civilians could ever possibly appreciate the magnitude of his gig, all those great gibberish names and epithets Stan Lee cooked up for him to invoke, his highfalutin speech pattern derived from years of study of the most esoteric subjects imaginable, and on and on and on. I understand why the strictures of Marvel’s publishing model with respect to its superheroes probably prevents this, but a largely continuity-free solo Doctor Strange series in the vein of Hellblazer? I bet a small but loyal audience would be there for every issue, in large part because a large and loyal number of writers would love to sweep in for an issue or an arc and tell the one Doctor Strange story they’d always dreamed of telling, and an equal number of artists would wanna give their Ditko chops a major workout. I’d be there with ’em.

And lookee here! One of a series of pulpy ’70s-style black-and-white one-shot anthologies featuring stories about some of Marvel’s rough’n’readier characters (we’ve also seen War Machine and Ares), The Mystic Hands of Doctor Strange is (wait for it) just what the Doctor ordered. I was entertained as the dickens by all four tales contained herein, for all the reasons I enumerated above.

I think my favorite take on Strange here comes from Kieron Gillen in the story that kicks off the book. Sure, it doesn’t hurt that he’s working with the awe-inspiring Frazer Irving, who was born to draw Doctor Strange’s world. (He was also born to work in color, and you can feel him wanting to–for god’s sake it’s a Doctor Strange story set in the hippie era–but I’ll take what I can get.) But I was intrigued by Gillen’s conception of magic as a sort of cosmic whodunit, where when something’s going down, the Doc must figure out who had the means, motive, and opportunity to do it…in an arena where none of the rules of cause and effect, physics, or human behavior with which we are familiar are necessarily operative. In both the Gillen/Irving and Milligan/Brunner stories, there’s a final twist that emphasizes Strange’s self-martyrdom, his willingness, whether through necessity or weakness, to do some bad thing that will hurt him to get the job done. It’s really only he who gets hurt in the process, though, which is what separates him from your run-of-the-mill anti-heroes. When the Sorcerer Supreme crosses a line, he’s the only collateral damage. That’s what makes him the Sorcerer freakin’ Supreme, you know?

While the first two stories are period pieces set in the same timeframe as the publication of Marvel’s original black-and-white magazines, the second two are different. Ted McKeever’s one-man showcase of scratchy, angular blacks and weirdo creature designs–yep, that’s our Ted!–is a timeless tale, in which a devastated Doctor Strange roaming around on an alcoholic bender nevertheless encounters a demon and a benevolent spirit and learns an important lesson about his sorcery…which is exactly the kind of thing that should happen to a Sorcerer Supreme on an alcoholic bender. (I like to believe he’s discovering hidden knowledge when he’s on the shitter, even.) The final story is a short prose piece by Mike Carey in the style of an early 20th century weird adventure, featuring an impressively evocative Frazetta Death Dealer-style antagonist, a simplistic but effective take on mind over matter, a grin-inducing tease of Doc’s archenemy, and a pair of killer spot illos from Marcos Martin, including one that’s almost Paul Pope-ish in its riotous kinetic energy.

All told, it’s as an effective a disquisition on what makes Doctor Strange worth making comics about since Martin and Brian K. Vaughan’s memorable miniseries The Oath–perhaps even moreso, since while that series was clearly an attempt to say “See? Doctor Strange still works!”, this one-shot feels like it was constructed with that basic proposition never once in doubt. I got from it precisely the modest but indubitably pleasurable pleasure I wanted. More like this, please.