Carnival of souls

* I’d really like to see Ed Brubaker use Baron Zemo vis a vis Bucky Barnes the way he used the Red Skull vis a vis Steve Rogers over the past few years. I mean, it makes sense.

* Crickets is back!

* I’ve been having fun watching Matthew Yglesias mercilessly beat down torture enthusiast Marc Thiessen and torture enthusiasts generally, because torture is wrong and those who support it are bad people. I’ve also been having fun watching Andrew Sullivan dance around the f-word when describing the political impulses embodied by Sarah Palin.

2 Responses to Carnival of souls

  1. Tim O'Neil says:

    Hmmm. I wonder if this means Zemo’s character arc from the last decade-and-change will be swept under the rug.

  2. Brubaker has referenced it in a Newsarama interview/on Twitter since the news came out, but in the main, Jimmy crack corn and I don’t care.

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