Carnival of souls

* Today on Robot 6: Avengers-related news galore (let’s hope Secret Avengers is Brubaker espionage), possible glimpes of the Marvel Universe’s post-apocalyptic future, someone got Wizard wet, and Benjamin Marra’s awesome Traditional Comics commercial.

* Renee French sure can draw.

* Josh Cotter sure can draw.

* Sometimes I feel like I discover stunning new comics art from somewhere on the medium’s spacetime continuum every single day. Today it’s the gorgeously static work of Pete Morisi, courtesy of Ken Parille.

* The Cool Kids Table’s Comics Decade has come to an end with Scott Pilgrim, Black Hole, and cosmic comics.

* Charles Hatfield on Abstract Comics, at length, with a detour into Henrik Rehr’s excellent Reykjavik. The bit I found most interesting is Hatfield’s discussion of which shapes tended to make him tune out–I had a very similar experience, though with very different shapes.

* Tom Brevoort wants to answer your questions.