Posts Tagged ‘John Brodowski’

Comic of the Year of the Day: Curio Cabinet

December 12, 2010

Every day throughout the month of December, Attentiondeficitdisorderly will spotlight one of the best comics of 2010. Today’s comic is Curio Cabinet by John Brodowski, published by Secret Acres — quietly ecstatic horror.

I’ve been writing about the similarity between the horrific and the sublime for (God help me) over a decade now, but it’s rare for me to come across a comic that makes that connection as frequently and as subtly as John Brodowski’s Curio Cabinet….The message is both troubling and comforting: It implies a connection between the individual horrors we experience and the very fabric of existence, yet it also suggests that perhaps an enlightenment is possible whereby this waking nightmare can be appreciated, if never fully understood. More like this, please.

Click here for a full review and purchasing information.