WHEN IT COMES to weddings in Westeros, the vibes are always off. Think of King Joffrey’s marriage to Margaery Tyrell, which ended with him turning purple as he choked to death. Or of Sansa Stark’s two depressing betrothals, first to Tyrion Lannister — who was no happier about it than she was — and then to Ramsay Bolton, the less said about whom the better. Remember Daenerys Targaryen’s grim, nonconsenual union with Khal Drogo over in Essos? And, of course, there’s the still-legendary Red Wedding, a bloody landmark moment in pulling-the-rug-out-from-under-the-audience TV history.
Did you think that just because House of the Dragon is a new show, weddings would be any different? Ha!
I reviewed tonight’s episode of House of the Dragon for Rolling Stone.
Tags: A Song of Ice and Fire, asoiaf, books, fantasy, fire & blood, Game of Thrones, George R.R. Martin, house of the dragon, reviews, Rolling Stone, TV, TV reviews