Where Sean stands on superhero movies

I love the first Burton Batman movie; I think it’s a great movie, a for-the-ages movie. I think the second one’s alright but sort of a warning sign on the road to Burton’s Hot Topic hackdom today; it also always bothered me that it took Batman’s two primary sane antagonists and made them crazy. Schumacher’s Batman movies are very dumb. I think all the X-Men movies are rarely less than okay and rarely more than good, I think I like the third one best in terms of the visuals and that hotsy-totsy scene with Jean Grey and Wolverine, but I have no desire to re-watch any of them. I thought the first two Spider-Man movies were absolutely miserable, utterly self-serious twaddle, though there were some good Doctor Octopus fight scenes in the second one like that one on the side of the building; I liked my airplane viewing of the third one, especially the jazz dance, but don’t care if I never see that one again. I enjoy the Daredevil movie despite its leaden leads, it’s got good fight scenes that get what superhero fight scenes are supposed to be about. I haven’t seen the Fantastic Four movies or Ghost Rider or Elektra or the Punisher movies or the Blade movies. I never saw any of the ersatz superhero things that a lot of guys slightly younger than me watched back in the day, your Meteor Mans and Blankmans and so on. I remember enjoying Darkman a TON as a kid, it was sort of the grimngritty superhero comic come to lurid life, but I haven’t seen it in ages. Batman Begins is one of the worst films I’ve ever seen. I like Iron Man and Incredible Hulk and (despite its inert Batman) The Dark Knight and have seen them all more than once. I haven’t seen Iron Man 2 yet. I enjoyed Watchmen as a sort of The Warriors for superhero movies; I saw it twice in the theater (one time for free) but don’t have the DVD yet because the studio seemed intent on ripping me off. I have no desire to see Kick-Ass. Superman Returns is dull as dishwater, Ang Lee’s Hulk seems to have no idea why it’s a movie about the Hulk. The Incredibles struck me as not very funny and not very exciting and not very interesting–talk about a beneficiary from the low bar set by other superhero movies. Unbreakable‘s a great time, my second favorite superhero movie after Batman. I love Zod, Ursa, and Non from Superman II, but beyond that those Superman movies sure are lame from what I can recall. I haven’t seen Steel.

6 Responses to Where Sean stands on superhero movies

  1. Ben Morse says:

    Daredevil will forever remain the super hero movie I just don’t understand why it wasn’t a hit and people didn’t all love it like I do.

  2. Tim O'Neil says:

    If you haven’t seen the first Blade you’re missing out on what may be the best Marvel movie of the whole bunch.

  3. Thoroughly agree with Tim. Forget about the second and third Blade films though (except for one amazing insult delivered by Ryan Reynolds’s character that ought not to be repeated in polite company…)

  4. Josh Lambert says:

    Your Batman Begins link is broken. Could you please fix that? I’d love to read what you had to say about it.

  5. It works for me…anyone else having a problem? I’ll tinker with it, but I don’t know what the problem could be.

  6. Josh Lambert says:

    It works now, thanks.

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