Alone on a Saturday night?

Here’s a fun way to spend the next little while: Watch the story of Marble Hornets.

The rest of the videos are here. Enjoy your evening!

3 Responses to Alone on a Saturday night?

  1. shags says:

    I was alone on a Saturday night! Sad, I know…

    I enjoyed the serial aspect of it but some of the setup was way obvious and seemed borrowed from stuff like The Ring and Blair Witch.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Well, certainly, but I still thought there was some compelling imagery in there. The whole thing is about the “monumental horror-image” I’m so fond of–something there that should not be there, where its mere existence is the locus of the horror. I love that stuff. Also, I really love that whole grinning man/men in black/Mothman/Indrid Cold nexus of Forteana.

  3. shags says:

    There’s definitely some great imagery here and there, and some “holy shit” moments whenever you see someone that you know shouldn’t be there. Maybe it’s just because I watched all of them in a row, but I felt like I was being hit over the head a little with the setups. Or has Blair Witch just spoiled me forever?

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