Carnival of souls

* Recently on Robot 6: Jim Woodring’s moleskine, Lisa Hanawalt’s t-shirt, Jim Lee’s cover, and Scott Pilgrim’s soundtrack.

* More Destructor art over at We Are The LAW, from David Paggi, Rob “Topless Robot” Bricken, Ryan “Agent M” Penagos, and Matt Powell.

* Renee French is so good.

* A Frank Santoro golden oldie, straight outta PULSE! magazine.

* I really dug “The Symbiote’s Effect on the Mind” by Aaron Zvi Felder. Be sure to click through and read the whole thing.

* Arthur Magazine has launched a new dedicated webcomics portal with the latest installment of Jesse Moynihan’s very good GWC.

* Brian Ralph does Jack Kirby!

* Not Coming to a Theater Near You is doing a Stanely Kubrick retrospective. ‘Nuff said.

* Is pacifism objectively pro-fascist? Is any one thing ever objectively pro-any other thing? George Orwell once thought and said so, but changed his mind.

* Consume NeilAlien’s ultra-rare first-person look back at his ten years of comics blogging with relish, my friends. His fellow comicsblogging O.G. Steven Wintle has more.

* There’s a MAJOR catch in this week’s Lost comment round-up at Whitney Matheson’s Pop Candy, in terms of something that eagle-eyed viewers caught in this season’s second episode but which turned out to be a production error rather than a clue.

* Turns out those hilarious statements from Icarnate creator/Bleach plagiarizer Nick Simmons I linked to the other day were bogus. Here’s his real statement, which is only barely an improvement.

* The star bloggers of The Atlantic‘s web presence–Andrew Sullivan, Ta-Nehisi Coates, James Fallows–are revolting against a website redesign that essentially turned their blogs into a collection of disembodied headlines, and in some cases folded them into another stream of content entirely. It’s funny how similar the features they’re complaining about are to what bugs everyone so much about the new Comics Journal website, and how easy a fix would be in both cases. When people go to a blog, they want to see the posts, not the headlines and first few sentences of the posts.

* One of the great MCs, Guru from Gang Starr, is in a coma after a heart attack. Here’s wishing him a full and speedy recovery.

One Response to Carnival of souls

  1. Thanks for the plug!

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