Carnival of Robot 6

* It’s a big big day at Robot 6, aka the blog that pays me, because it’s our 1st anniversary. So both at the blog’s page and on the main page of Comic Book Resources you can find tons and tons of goodies, including sneak previews of Jim Woodring’s Weathercraft, Megan Kelso’s Artichoke Tales, Matt Kindt’s Super Spy: The Lost Dossiers, Stuart & Kathryn Immonen’s Moving Pictures, Matt Maxwell & Luis Garagna’s Strangeways: Red Hands, and Parker / Pak / Van Lente / Buchemi / Hardman’s Incredible Hercules. Many many thanks to Eric Reynolds, Jacq Cohen, Paul Baresh, Chris Staros, Brett Warnock, and Leigh Walton for hooking me up with the Fantagraphics and Top Shelf previews!

* Also, Guy Davis drew us an anniversary card. It’s Christmas all over again!

* Finally, I had a great time helping to put together our list of The 30 Most Important Comics of the Decade. The first installment includes my write-ups for Civil War, Achewood, and New X-Men.

* Elsewhere, there are great alternative comics being posted on the Internet everywhere you look. Here’s some terrific new work from Kevin Huizenga and Noel Freibert. What Freibert’s doing in particular, I could stand to see a lot more of.

* Jim Henley proclaims the triumph of geek culture to be “The THING of the Decade.” But because he’s Jim Henley he does it in such a way as to NOT make you feel like Fred “The Ogre” Palowakski.

* Since I’m too intimidated to even peep into the great Matt Zoller Seitz’s days-long rollout of essays on the decade in film, I’ll instead link to this clean and simple list from Peet Gelderblom at Setiz’s old site The House Next Door. I love it, even for the placement of the films I haven’t seen, just because of what I imagine them being like. Is there anything sadder than the fact that I haven’t seen Mulholland Drive yet? Me?!?

8 Responses to Carnival of Robot 6

  1. Tom Spurgeon says:

    You know, he’s right about that Billy Crudup breakdown scene. I’m not sure about that movie, but that scene, good gravy.

  2. shags says:

    “Is there anything sadder than the fact that I haven’t seen Mulholland Drive yet?”

    no. no there isn’t.

  3. Zom says:

    I know I being unreasonable but your failure to watch Mulholland Drive actually gets me a bit cross. Sort it out, Sean!

  4. I deserve it.

    I mean for fuck’s sake Lost Highway is one of my five favorite movies.

  5. shags says:

    I have gone from disappointed to aggravated about this Mulholland Drive situation. I hope this gets resolved soon.

  6. Motherfucker, come talk to me when you’ve seen The Big Lebowski.

  7. shags says:

    If that is the case, then I am watching Lebowski tonight!

  8. Zom says:

    Bloody hell, Shags, you haven’t seen the Big Lebowski? I’m outta here. You guys are just wrong!

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