Carnival of souls

* Today on Robot 6 I tipped my hat to Tucker Stone’s decade in review column and Ben Herman’s Beautiful Dreamer sketchbook.

* DC’s next big event is called War of the Supermen. Thoughts:

1) Another “War”! Civil War, Silent War, World War Hulk, War of Kings, The Sinestro Corps War, the “War of Light” meta-story in Green Lantern and Blackest Night, the Invincible War and Viltrumite War in Invincible, and there’s surely more I’m missing.

2) I like J.G. Jones, but, um…

3) This event seems to be patterned after the way Blackest Night, a line-wide event, spun out of Green Lantern‘s Sinestro Corps War, a franchise-based event. The difference, though, is that Sinestro Corps War was hugely popular, whereas I seem to be one of very few people who are following and enjoying the whole New Krypton/World Without a Superman mega-story.

4) The last line here made me laugh pretty hard.

* Frank Santoro presents his haul from the Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival.

* Jeez, look at the lighting in this piece by Richard Corben. It’s so realistic I thought I was looking at a photograph of a sculpture, I swear.

* Today’s Strange Tales Spotlight re-run is John Leavitt.

2 Responses to Carnival of souls

  1. shags says:

    You can add Our Worlds at War, Amazon’s Attack and the World War III story that was in 52. So over war.

    I’m also enjoying the New Krypton/World Without a Superman story that’s going on (95% of it is because of Robinson), but I was kind of hoping it would be over after issue 12.

  2. Yeah, that Jones cover is decidedly not the awesome.

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