Carnival of souls

* Lots of Benjamin Marra news today: He’s officially launched his renamed Traditional Comics publishing outfit’s new website and blog, done a new Super Satan comic for Vice, and gotten hisself interviewed by Vice’s Nick Gazin. Said interview containes such awesome statements as the following:

I think that Space Beaver comic has served as a template as far as the kind of comics I’d like to create.

Muscles are cool. They represent power and strength, which are cool qualities.

I’d like to see superhero comics return to the male power fantasy. And that just makes me think of having muscles that would allow me to decimate any adversary.

Indeed. Indeed.

* Hey, check out this unofficial teaser image for Brendan McCarthy’s upcoming Spider-Man/Doctor Strange: Fever. (Via Robot 6.) I’ll be over here, patting myself on the back.

* Jon Hastings is helping me work through some lingering questions I had about the relationship dynamic in Paranormal Activity in the comments for my review of that film. I think he’s pretty much spot-on with everything he’s saying.

* I’m not going to spoil it by posting the image because you really need to see them side by side, but Ilkka Sarpola’s cover version of the cover for Frank Miller’s Sin City: A Dame to Kill For at the Covered blog is my favorite Covered cover version yet. You instantly picture a vastly more believable and disturbing story in your head looking at this thing.

* Spurge is right: By all means, go, look at the comics of Marguax Motin.

* Dirk is right: By all means, go, look at the pin-ups of Fernando Vicente.

* This sort of forward-thinking initiative is why Bloomberg’s gonna win in a walk today.

* Tim Hodler takes slacker linkbloggers to school.

* Ezra Klein takes priggish luddite fuddy-duddy know-it-alls to school.

* Finally, Jesus.

5 Responses to Carnival of souls

  1. Duncan says:

    Re: Dr. Strangelove McCarthy, you’re absolutely entitled to pat yourself on the back, that was a wonderful piece and exactly the first callback in my mind when I saw the promo – only then I read the text which I think Mark (Bad Librarian) put up a bit later that sez: actual comic won’t look like this. Which is… kind of a shame, but then McCarthy’s SOLO looked phenomenal and I think without reference he has the same colourist here. Totally most anticipated anyway!

  2. Yeah, I know. Still!

  3. Bob Temuka says:

    Wow, that’s the first I’ve heard of that Brendan McCarthy comic and it’s just become the one comic I’m looking forward to in 2010 more than any other. I don’t care what it’s about, I’m always keen for some McCarthy fun. His artwork is always superb and he uses more colours than anybody else in the business, including several that haven’t been invented yet.

  4. Bob Temuka says:

    Wow, that’s the first I’ve heard of that Brendan McCarthy comic and it’s just become the one comic I’m looking forward to in 2010 more than any other. I don’t care what it’s about, I’m always keen for some McCarthy fun. His artwork is always superb and he uses more colours than anybody else in the business, including several that haven’t been invented yet.

  5. jess says:

    i can’t believe someone just referenced “space beaver” in an interview. and i _really_ can’t believe they referenced it positively, as something to emulate. this has made my year.

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