Carnival of souls

* Standing in the Strange Tales Spotlight today: Molly Crabapple.

* Your must-read of the day, Tom Spurgeon acts like human kryptonite to some pretty grotesque arguments being made about the Siegel family’s legal battle with DC over Superman.

* So it sounds like Bryan Singer will be re-remaking Battlestar Galactica. I’ve been friendly with frequent Singer collaborator Tom DeSanto for a long time, and the two of them have had their hearts set on this for at least that long. I’m as baffled as everyone else as to why Hollywood’s willing to take this chance, you all know how much I love the Moore/Eick BSG, I think it’ll be very different, but different doesn’t necessarily equal bad.

* You’ll be hearing more about this book from me in a few days, but for now you can check out a six-page preview of Jacque Tardi’s West Coast Blues at ICv2. (Via Mike Baehr.)

* Tom Spurgeon reviews the great Mat Brinkman’s Multiforce. Hopefully you’ll be hearing more about this book from me in a few days, too.

* And while we’re out there in the avant garde, Chris Mautner reviews the Andrei Molotiu-edited Abstract Comics anthology. Hopefully you’ll be hearing etc.

* I enjoyed the most recent installment of Jeff Lester and Graeme McMillan’s podcast, in which they discuss Geoff Johns’s Blackest Night in some detail. Mostly they mull over whether the Black Lanterns will be used as a specific exploration of death in superhero comics and how characters in that world might regard it, or whether they’ll sort of devolve into “big evil monster everyone has to fight.” They seem awfully hesitant to accept that all the other Lanterns will team up and Hal Jordan will become the White Lantern, though–folks, this has been crystal-clear since the last page of The Sinestro Corps War, if not before.

* Speaking of Blackest Night, the identity of the storyline’s big bad was recently revealed on the cover of an upcoming Previews catalog, and turns out my friend TJ Dietsch’s theory was right. Well done, Teej!

* Ben Morse’s Nova Sketchbook returns…


* I do not own Rock Band; can’t convince The Missus it’s a worthwhile investment. But looking at the complete track listing for The Beatles Rock Band, this may have to change. Getting a chance to shred on George’s “Taxman” solo or one of Ringo’s trademark “ba-DUM-bum, ba-DUM-ba-bum”s?

One Response to Carnival of souls

  1. TJ Dietsch says:

    Thanks for the call out man! I was wondering why my hits tripled in a day.

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