Carnival of souls

* Topless Robot’s Rob Bricken seems skeptical about Gamer, the upcoming Gerard Butler action movie whose trailer you see below. I think this is because Rob is unaware that the film is directed by Neveldine and Taylor, the men behind the magisterially ridonkulous Crank and Crank: High Voltage. (The latter of which I still haven’t seen, by the way–any NYC-area readers looking for a movie date, my email’s to the left.) Rob is therefore forgiven for his lapse in judgment.

* Rob also catches that the initial Watchmen Director’s Cut DVD will not incorporate the animated Tales of the Black Freighter material, as was director Zach Snyder’s stated intention at every step of the way. Everyone seems to sniff a DVD double-dip attempt by the studio and I’m inclined to agree.

* I hope Brian Ralph isn’t kidding about working on Daybreak 4.

* The Onion AV Club interviews Michael Emerson, Lost‘s Benjamin Linus. He’s always a great interview subject. (Via Whitney Matheson.)

* Lots of real-world torture porn to consume: Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi, whom we captured and transferred to Egypt for torturing and who subsequently falsely confessed to WMD links between Iraq and al-Qaeda that were used to justify the Iraq War, has “committed suicide” in the Libyan prison he ended up disappearing into. Meanwhile, John Yoo, the former Justice Department lawyer who helped greenlight torture and famously argued that no treaty or law could constrain the President of the United States of America from crushing testicles of a terrorist suspect’s child in order to extract information from his father, has been hired as a columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer. And the Obama administration is threatening to cease intelligence sharing with Great Britain if they disclose information regarding the torture of former Guantanamo Bay detainee Binyam Mohamed.

2 Responses to Carnival of souls

  1. Sport Bettig says:

    gvxyyradojotxaabzyqx, Sport Bettig, xTRJlAb.

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