When You Sleep

This is our bedroom. I’m told it’s rather Twin Peaks-y, and I can see it in this picture, sure.

6 Responses to When You Sleep

  1. Matt M. says:

    That’s the same color as my office walls.

    I wasn’t brave enough to put in black and white tile, but perhaps I should’ve…

  2. We are far too lazy to do anything like this ourselves–this was the color of the room when we bought the house this summer! The other second-floor bedroom is a similarly striking green. The kitchen’s bright blue. It’s neat.

  3. Dan Coyle says:

    Actually, the picture first brought to mind images of the Overlook Hotel…

  4. Sean B says:

    Alright, who has the scale right next to their side of the bed? Isn’t that just short of SAW-level masochism having something like that by the bedside?

  5. Haha! Oh Sean, if you only knew.

    (Actually I think it’s there for baby-making morning-weight-knowing purposes.)

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