Thought clearance

* When I step back and take a look at my tastes–in comics, in music, in film, and in literature–the former two appear to be much broader than the latter two. Provided a first-glance look at the art doesn’t make me want to close the book and not look again, I’ll read virtually any comic, I’m rather voracious about it, I enjoy the experience of reading a lot by a lot of people, etc. With music I’m almost obnoxiously eclectic, and while I’m not necessarily a first-adopter when it comes to new artists (particularly compared with dedicated music bloggers) I do indeed enjoy an enormously wide range. In neither case is this an “eat your vegetables” deal–I truly like a lot of different stuff.

But when you look at my film-viewing habits over the past year or two or perhaps even longer, I’m basically only ever watching and talking about genre films from major studios. That’s due in part to the parameters of this blog during its all-horror incarnation, and to the fact that I really do love horror and a lot of other genre entertainments, and to the fact that tracking down genuine independent and art-house fair involves an expenditure of time and money, but I don’t feel the movie-review sidebar of my blog is actually representative of what I’m interested in overall. I’m a little more expansive in what I’ve been reading prose-wise, but only a little. Again, this is striking me as odd. There’s probably no reason why my movie-watching and book-reading habits shouldn’t be as wide-ranging and reliant on independent outlets as are my music-listening and comics-reading habits.

* In a few weeks I will have spent a year reviewing three comics a week every week without fail. I’m proud of this achievement and I’ve gotten a lot out of it. I still have a bunch of Comics Journal backlog to post and a pile of review copies I really want to get to, so it may stretch into the New Year as well. But one thing that’s really fallen by the wayside, particularly as the year has gone on, is my prose reading. (Actually that’s probably a good reason why the books I’ve read haven’t been all over the map–I haven’t read enough one way or the other.) I think it would be a lot of fun to be reading prose at the rate I’ve been reading comics lately, or at least close to it. I sometimes sit around and think of how much fun it’ll be to finally read The Master and Margarita, or the two or three Chuck Palahniuk books I haven’t gotten to yet, or Moby-Dick, or maybe taking a crack at those George R.R. Martin fantasy novels HBO is going to adapt, or diving into Robert E. Howard because I feel like my pulp pump has been duly primed, or Nixonland, or the Stephen King short story collections that aren’t Night Shift, Skeleton Crew, or Four Past Midnight, or or or or or. Nearly all of my dedicated reading time is taken up by comics, though. Maybe I’ll change that in the New Year, despite how much I’ve dug my thrice weekly Comics Time.

* Oddly, I don’t feel like my writing time has been impacted nearly as much, even though I’ve spent more time on the blog than ever before. I think that’s because my writing habits have always been weird and dependent on long periods of simmering and stewing and mulling culminating in several-hour bursts of creativity, rinse, repeat. That’s an easy schedule to fit into existing frameworks. Meanwhile, having Murder come out scratched a big part of that itch to Be A Comics Writer, obviously. And I have two separate “graphic novels” (in this case meaning “book-length collections of interrelated short stories) largely in the hands of their artists right now, plus a separate short story or two, so I don’t feel like I’ve been slacking.

* One thing you will not see me do, no matter how much I blog enthusiastically about it, is start playing World of Warcraft or any other video game, because that would so clearly be a disaster for me it’s almost comical. There goes the little time I’m not spending at my day job, doing freelance work, doing personal writing and reading, or doing blog writing and reading–poof, gone. No can do!

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2 Responses to Thought clearance

  1. Jim D. says:

    Yeah, that’s pretty much me too. I have refrained from getting into gaming mostly because, goddamn, I just know myself too well.

  2. Matt M. says:

    Join us, Sean.

    We’ve got cookies!

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