From my lips to Marvel’s ears

Whenever the topic of Thor comes up, which in my life is often, I say that any and every Thor comic should be at least as cool as Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” or it’s not worth doing.

Sean T. Collins, March 31

“My Thor is very much a ‘Led Zeppelin III’ kind of Thor….It’s very power metal; lots of power chords, huge riffs and epic colossal guitar noises.”

Matt Fraction, June 1

2 Responses to From my lips to Marvel’s ears

  1. Steven says:

    Fraction has been talking his Thor series up like that since January. It’s more like from Fraction to the Word Balloon podcast to Newsarama to I Was Ben to Progressive Ruin to every other comic blogger to ADDTF. Or something.

  2. Sean says:

    “Well, I guess it goes from God, to Jerry, to you, to the cleaners.”

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