Carnival of souls

* Sounds like up to three made-for-TV Battlestar Galactica movies (in addition to the 2-hour Caprica pilot) may be in the works. The Chicago Tribune‘s Maureen Ryan says they’ll get made this summer if they’re greenlit, leading AICN’s Hercules to speculate that they’d be prequels to the final half of season four, a la Razor.

* The penultimate Horror Roundtable is up, and it’s about horror works that changed the genre. As our gracious host Steven Wintle puts it, “Ninety-nine weeks of Roundtables; ninety-nine weeks of Sean struggling with the topic and/or answering Hellraiser.” Which one is it this time, dear readers? The answer may surprise you!

* Here’s the red-band trailer for M. Night Shyamalan’s The Happening. It spoils some of the ways in which the people who are dying actually die, so be warned. Suffice it to say that the movie looks like it’s gonna earn its R rating. (Via Vault of Horror.)

* Water monsters in the news: Scientists in New Zealand have discovered a new species of jellyfish…already living in an aquarium! (Via Cryptomundo.)

* Finally, The House Next Door’s Sheila O’Malley on the genius of Jeff Bridges in The Big Lebowski:

It came to Jeff Bridges in a flash: “I must wear jellies when I play The Dude.” I cannot imagine why, I do not know why he made this choice, or where it comes from… who can say where genius lies? All I know is that every time I see that movie, and I watch him galumphing across a parking lot, jellies flapping on the pavement, I know that it is deeply right. It seems so right that it feels as though it must have been a conscious choice from a wardrobe department, or somehow imposed from above. But no. Jeff Bridges thought: “Jellies. I must wear jellies.” And this is why he is my favorite actor.

One Response to Carnival of souls

  1. Steve says:

    I’m glad you took that comment in the way it was intended, Sean. I was a little worried you would take offense. Thanks for sticking with it for so long!

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