The Blogslinger: Blogging The Dark Tower, October-November 2007–Day 44

Read: Song of Susannah–“9th Stanza: Eddie Bites His Tongue”

I’m tired of King’s faux-humility when having characters talk about him. “Maybe he’ll amount to something. What if he becomes famous or critically acclaimed–the chances are remote, but still.” Horseshit. Dude, you are the most popular author in the history of the world. Dine out on that instead of making your characters skeptics about your prospects and crowing to yourself “I showed them!”

Also, are we supposed to share Eddie’s astonishment that the plot of Wolves of the Calla is the plot of The Magnificent Seven and the name of the town is the name of the director? If not, are we supposed to be entertained by watching him realize this? If the answer to either of those questions is yes…I just hate you people who wanted me to read this more and more, basically.

I mean, really, fucking up in The Drawing of the Three by saying Co-Op City is in Brooklyn and then making that part of the stories’ continuity?

I did wish Eddie killed Calvin Tower, because then a) there’d be one less of these annoying assholes to read about, and b) maybe then they’d lose their quest for the Dark Tower and the bad guys would win pluck the goddamn rose and knock down the goddamn Tower and wipe everything out. I am totally rooting against everyone in this book now. Even Roland. He could have put bullets into all these other douchebags four books ago.

4 Responses to The Blogslinger: Blogging The Dark Tower, October-November 2007–Day 44

  1. The Blogslinger: Blogging The Dark Tower, October-November 2007–Index

    Here you shall find links to all of the posts in my blogathon reading of Stephen King’s Dark Tower series. This post will be updated with each new entry. Day 1: Introduction Day 2: The Gunslinger Day 3: The Drawing…

  2. Bill says:

    Anger Management….

  3. Bill says:

    “Are we supposed to share Eddie’s astonishment that the plot of Wolves of the Calla is the plot of The Magnificent Seven and the name of the town is the name of the director? If not, are we supposed to be entertained by watching him realize this? ”

    I think this was meant to be cute. I’m sure King knows he’s the Selling-est, most popular author ever, but I get the impression he’s still a little surprized by that.

    “I mean, really, fucking up in The Drawing of the Three by saying Co-Op City is in Brooklyn and then making that part of the stories’ continuity?”

    I thought that was totally awesome! But that’s just me. :p

  4. About his faux-humility, I know what you mean — but I do think there are parts in there where he is being genuinely and truthfully harsh with himself.

    Whether or not that excuses the flabbiness of the last few books is another matter.

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