Good omens

My wife is emetophobic, which means she’s afraid of vomit. In order to go to the movies she needs to get a reliable “vomit-check” first to make sure she’s in the clear. There are a few trusted friends we use as sources–paradoxically, they tend to be the people who find vomiting hilarious, which means they’ll remember it if they see it–but there’s also a great website called Kids in Mind that non-judgmentally lists any questionable content (down to its most minute, like someone sneezing) so that parents can judge whether a movie’s appropriate for their kids. They’ll list vomit as part of their “violence/gore” subcategory, but of course they list everything else. So I’m sitting here as Amy goes through the listing for The Mist to see if she can see it, and while there’s apparently no vomiting in it she just keeps going “Eeeewwwww…eeeewwwwwwweeeeeewwwwwwwwwOH MY GOD EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!”

Needless to say, I’m pretty psyched to see this movie now.

3 Responses to Good omens

  1. Bruce Baugh says:

    Reminds me of a gay friend who writes a thank-you letter to the CAP Alert folks each year. On his law office’s letterhead…but printed out on fancy pink bond paper.

    Hey, useful information is where you find it, no matter what the provider thinks they’re doing.

  2. Johnny B says:

    She must not see very many movies then- seems like there’s a puking scene in every film. It seems like that’s the only way the filmmakers can think of to have a character express extreme emotions…

  3. sean says:

    Yeah, Johnny, it’s weird, isn’t it? I don’t think I ever would have noticed if it weren’t for the Missus, but really, it’s way overused.

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