Quote of the day

I waged a campaign this year against horribly violent horror movies and especially torture porn. I really shamed the Hollywood execs making money on these movies. I do believe that no Hollywood player should earn a dime from a film he’s ashamed to show in his own home. Then other journalists started doing the story. I’m not saying I’m solely responsible, but it’s been gratifying to see that those movies have gone from doing very well at the box office to doing almost no business.

L.A. Weekly‘s Nikki Finke in Elle Magazine

Obviously it’s a gloriously idiotic quote for any number of reasons, but I think one that’s likely to be overlooked is her ghastly standard for which projects Hollywood execs should greenlight. By the “ashamed to show in his own home” rubric, I’m guessing a lot of now-classic movies wouldn’t have made the grade.

(Via Glenn Kenny, via Matt Zoller Seitz)

One Response to Quote of the day

  1. Carnival of souls

    Eve Tushnet reviews two slasher movies! Terror Train and Black Christmas, to be precise, with her take on the latter uniquely Tushnetian. Final Girl’s Stacie Ponder ponders Hellraiser. Rob Humanick continues his 31 Days of Zombie! blogathon with a look…

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