Quote of the day

In this regard, this Dawn of the Dead is sporadically entertaining but also disappointingly fleeting; the characters are emotional vacuoles and the undead but Olympic sprinters with bloody makeup on, lacking not only personality, but conviction.

–Rob Humanick, 31 Days of Zombie!: Day 1 – Dawn of the Dead (Zack Snyder, 2004), The Projection Booth

Um, what?

I don’t like this review at all, I must say. It’s interesting to see post-300 Snyder backlash added to the usual pro forma gripe about his (excellent, curve-busting) Dawn remake, which is that because it lacked the original’s Introductory English Lit sociopolitical metaphors, it’s a bad movie. It’s also interesting to see someone complain that zombies shouldn’t be able to run because that’s not scientifically realistic. (He catches himself, but not enough to have removed it from the piece.) Unfortunately these and other assertions essentially replace any kind of argumentation from example; it’s like reading a full length review that could be replaced by the two words “it sucks” like one of those ridiculous subtitles of Tia Carrere’s Cantonese dialogue in Wayne’s World.

Via The Horror Blog.

One Response to Quote of the day

  1. Quote of the day

    Watching the film once again, Romero’s carefully calculated deconstructions on social woes of the time seem most brilliant in their simultaneously identifying the film as a distinctly American work rooted in the cultural anarchy of the 1970’s as well a…

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