Quote of the day

I think [“Werewolf Women of the SS”] would be a great movie but I don’t know how they’re feeling now because “Grindhouse” didn’t live up to [Dimension’s] expectations. So I don’t know if they really want to make movies based on the trailers. [Laughs] I think “Grindhouse” was a great idea and doing more of them would be great but—and we’ve discussed this to death because we have the trailer and it’s the same company doing “Halloween”—the main thing that went wrong was that the average person was confused about what it was. Because there were two movies—“Planet Terror” and “Death Proof”—but the actual movie was called “Grindhouse.” I’ve talked to people I consider to be fairly intelligent and they were confused. “Like, wait, is this a movie? Do I have to pay twice?” Because movies are all the same—all the trailers, all the marketing. So when something is different, people just get confused. I just don’t think people got what it was and stayed away. I thought it was pretty self-explanatory. But the concept of “Grindhouse” is a very obscure concept. Not to me, not to [director Quentin] Tarantino, but to the average person. Kids today are like, “What’s a double feature? What are you talking about?”

Rob Zombie, in a really interesting, really long interview with Wizard’s Chris Ward about Halloween and all things horror. It actually makes me want to go see Halloween, in fact.

Wizard’s also got an interview up with Tyler Mane, the new Michael Myers.

3 Responses to Quote of the day

  1. Jim Treacher says:

    Quotation marks and apostrophes are messed up, in Firefox at least…

  2. sean says:

    Argh. And it’s only on the individual, permalinked pages for each entry, too. I’ll let my crack IT staff know. Thanks man.

  3. Jon Hastings says:

    Halloween is extremely well directed.

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