He’s a cool exec with a heart of steel

Wizard went wall-to-wall Iron Man this weekend, posting interviews with the movie’s director Jon Favreau, stars Robert Downey Jr. and Terrence Howard, and Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige, plus a set visit report.

I managed to sneak a peek at the San Diego Comic Con footage from the movie, and they really seem to “get it”–more so than the past year or two of comics starring the character, if I may be so bold–from Downey’s hilariously confident yet not arrogant performance to the use of Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man” on the soundtrack. This could be pretty cool.

One Response to He’s a cool exec with a heart of steel

  1. Matt M. says:

    I wasn’t so interested in IRON MAN until very recently, after seeing Mr. Downey Jr. in both A SCANNER DARKLY and ZODIAC. If nothing else, he can grab your attention on the screen. Let’s see how he does while wearing a ton of metal. I have some glimmer of hope at least.

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