Belated Friday T-shirt blogging

Sean and the Missus, Negril, Jamaica, August 2007.

The David Bowie shirt was an eBay find–I wish I could dig up the vendor, but alas. It’s a shot of Bowie holding a revolver, from The Man Who Fell to Earth, part of the era during which David was the best-looking man in the world.

2 Responses to Belated Friday T-shirt blogging

  1. Noel says:

    Love the Bowie T shirt. very fetching. Do you know where to buy one. Thanks

  2. sean says:

    Noel: No, I don’t! I looked high and low for the retailer on eBay when I decided to post this, but couldn’t find them. If I come up with it I’ll let you know.

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