Oh. My. God.

Could I be any more psyched for Dragon Wars? The giant-monster feature also known as D-War has a new trailer up at the link. Good gravy.

2 Responses to Oh. My. God.

  1. It looks pretty cool, but like The Host, the VFX vary wildly between very good looking and badly integrated 3D renders with totally different contrast, etc. I’m not sure why that is, it’s obvious that the best shots were done with skill. Maybe a lack of time?

  2. Sean says:

    I see what you’re saying, but it bothers me a lot less here because A) the goal isn’t to scare but to get you to say “holy crap!”–it’s not supposed to be seamlessly terrifying, but fun; B) In the case of The Host, everybody kept crowing about how amazing the monster was, which of course it wasn’t. I don’t get the sense that anyone will be saying anything about D-War other than that it’s a good time at the movies.

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