
Okay. On the one hand, I love giant-monster horror and mockumentary horror, so this is right down my alley. And the trailer does look good if you can get to it before Paramount (stupidly, shortsightedly, audience-alienatingly) yanks it from wherever it’s cropped up. On the other hand, I’m already irritated by the hype. The obvious comparison in terms of both the format of the film and the viral nature of its promotion is The Blair Witch Project, but in the case of that film, many if not most of the people hyping it had seen the film already. There’s something offputting about a gigantic corporation astroturfing a grassroots buzz campaign for a movie that doesn’t exist yet (while simultaneously shutting down individuals’ attempts to help them do so, by the way).

2 Responses to Cloverfield.

  1. Jim Treacher says:

    Oh! Oh! Did I not tell you about this shit? Just pretend I didn’t, asshole.

  2. Sean says:

    Yeah, ‘cuz it’s not like I’m a horror blogger and have been reading about this movie for the past two weeks at least. stfu n00b

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