Quotes of the day

A human rights group said Thursday that Saudi Arabia violated international law when it ordered the beheadings earlier this week of four Sri Lankan robbers and then left their headless bodies on public display in the capital of Riyadh.

Activists blast Saudi Arabia beheadings,” James Calderwood, Associated Press

(via Charles Johnson)

“…We were getting prisoners from the navy SEALs who were using a lot of the same techniques we were using, except they were a little more harsh. They would actually have the detainee stripped nude, laying on the floor, pouring ice water over his body. They were taking his temperature with a rectal thermometer. We had one guy who had been burned by the navy SEALs. He looked like he had a lighter held up to his legs. One guy’s feet were like huge and black and blue, his toes were obviously all broken, he couldn’t walk.”

“Confessions of a Torturer: The Story of Army Interrogator Tony Lagouranis,” John Conroy, Chicago Reader

(via Andrew Sullivan)