Carnival of souls

When good movies happen to good bloggers, part one: Bill Sherman reviews Cemetery Man/Della’morte, Dell’amore.

When good movies happen to good bloggers, part two: Stacie Ponder reviews The Exorcist.

My single favorite music writer, Fluxblog’s Matthew Perpetua, interviews my single least favorite music writer, Rolling Stone‘s Rob Sheffield: Part One / Part Two / Part Three.

Fantagraphics, the best comics publisher in the world, needs your help.

Loren Coleman, the best cryptozoology blogger in the world, needs your help.

You can see my favorite horror comics at this week’s Horror Roundtable. And that’s not the only things of mine you can see there.

Good news/bad news: Scientists have discovered a vast ocean of water deep beneath the surface of the Earth/All that water is trapped within solid rock rather than forming a contiguous body of liquid, so it’s not like there are any pleisiosaur/icthyosaur battles going on all Jules Verne style. (Hat tip: Carnacki.)