Bonus Lost thought


Everyone’s wondering who Jacob wanted Hurley and Jack to summon with the lighthouse. Who’s #108? The name, according to Lostpedia, is Wallace–a name we’ve never seen before. Lots of people are guessing Desmond, but my guess is Walt. Mostly I just think that would be awesome. It’s also one of very few ways left for them to justify how important Walt was in the first two seasons. And on a purely logistical level, Walt’s been raised by four different people, so it should be easy enough for him to have a surname we haven’t heard yet.

But most importantly, it would also be the ultimate callback to that momentous, the-key-to-everything backgammon conversation Locke had with Walt in Season One: “Two players. Two sides. One is light. One is dark.” A final confrontation between Fake Locke and heretofore inexplicably psychically enhanced Walt would bring everything full circle.

5 Responses to Bonus Lost thought

  1. hilker says:

    Did we ever learn Aaron’s biological father’s last name?

  2. Tom Spurgeon says:


  3. When Amy or I make a comment of that nature, I typically celebrate it by singing DJ Mark the 45 King’s “The 900 Number,” aka “The Ed Lover Dance.”

  4. BW Costello says:

    Wallace? As in — and let me venture a theory here — “Where the fuck is Wallace?” If Wallace from The Wire shows up I will freak the hell out and Lost will officially become the greatest show in history.

  5. THANK YOU for reminding me where the phrase “Where the fuck is Wallace?” came from. It was driving me nuts ever since we found out 108’s name.

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