Posts Tagged ‘t-shirts’
31 October T-Shirts by Julia Gfrörer, Day 14: Three Beggars
October 14, 201731 October T-Shirts by Julia Gfrörer, Day 13: Barley Water
October 13, 201731 October T-Shirts by Julia Gfrörer, Day 12: Baby Mandrake
October 13, 201731 October T-Shirts by Julia Gfrörer, Day 11: Baba Yaga
October 12, 201731 October T-Shirts by Julia Gfrörer, Day 10: Halley’s Comet
October 10, 201731 October T-Shirts by Julia Gfrörer, Day 09: Truth Obscured
October 9, 201731 October T-Shirts by Julia Gfrörer, Day 08: The Boiled Leather Audio Hour
October 8, 201731 October T-Shirts by Julia Gfrörer, Day 07: Baby Baphomet
October 7, 201731 October T-Shirts by Julia Gfrörer, Day 06: Romantic Love
October 6, 201731 October T-Shirts by Julia Gfrörer, Day 05: Dead Hope
October 5, 201731 October T-Shirts by Julia Gfrörer, Day 04: Wicked Tongue
October 4, 201731 October T-Shirts by Julia Gfrörer, Day 03: Night Mare
October 3, 201731 October T-Shirts by Julia Gfrörer, Day 02: Protective Hand
October 2, 201731 October T-Shirts by Julia Gfrörer, Day 01: Storm
October 2, 2017Julia Gfrörer items for sale
March 24, 2017
My partner Julia Gfrörer has really opened the floodgates for amazing things to purchase this week. In addition to the MIRROR MIRROR II kickstarter, she’s selling a host of t-shirt designs through her newly opened Threadless shop, including the coveted MISANDRY shirt (now available in black, white, or pink!). She’s entered a contest at Threadless for her leggings design, TEN OF SWORDS, as well, so please go vote for her. Finally, she’s selling the original art for her MMII contribution, her illustrations of medieval French heraldic devices by Claude Paradin, at her Etsy store. These things are unspeakably gorgeous up close, and it’s rare for Julia to part with this much original art all at once, so take advantage!
And please, if you haven’t done so already, consider ordering MIRROR MIRROR II through our kickstarter, or simply donating to it, and spreading the word far and wide across social media or to your friends. We’re about 65% of the way through with 9 days remaining, and we need your support. Just look at those beautiful books up there!
Carnival of souls: Special “San Diego pre-game” edition
July 10, 2012* The San Diego Comic-Con International starts tomorrow evening, but for all intents and purposes it’s already underway, if by “all” you mean “PR.”
* The main announcement to break through the fog for me so far is that Fantagraphics will be debuting not only Love and Rockets: New Stories #5, which I think it’s safe to say is eagerly anticipated following last year’s installment, but also a new line of L&R t-shirts OMGGGGGGGGG!!!! There’s no more t-shirt-ready artist in all of comics than Jaime, and Gilbert’s no slouch either. UPDATE: THEY’RE ONLY AVAILABLE AT THE CON, BOOOOOO TO THAT, BOOO BOO BOOOOOOOO, SERIOUSLY FUCK THAT
* If you didn’t read Tom Spurgeon’s essay about the 30th anniversary of Love and Rockets, Los Bros Hernandez, and the San Diego Comic-Con, you really should. Aside from making a terrific capsule-format case for the greatness of all three cartooning Hernandez brothers and their series as a whole, Tom reminds us that Comic-Con is what we make of it, and that a better way to keep the Comic in Comic-Con than joking about movie studio people is to find and engage with the comics portions of it. A milestone anniversary of one of the greatest comics of all time is a pretty easy way to do that.
* The death of a Twilight fan struck by a car outside the convention center is an awful way to start the show. (Via Jill Pantozzi.)
* In other news…
* The Mindless Ones wrap up their commentary on the latest League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Adam’s right that something about the Harry Potter battle felt inconsequential, but I ultimately decided that was the point.
* MoCCA’s physical museum closed abruptly. They charged an awful lot of money for table space and admission at their festivals and it’s a shame to see it wasn’t spent in such a way as to prevent this.
* David Bordwell provides an overview of the latest edition of his and Kristin Thompson’s Film Art, which doubles as an essay on filmmaking as a series of choices. Killer new cover for the book, too. No pun intended.
* Hey, wanna see a 3-D Craig Thompson/Theo Ellsworth jam comic?
* I LOLd for this installment of Puke Force by Brian Chippendale.
* Matt Furie does Simon Hanselmann’s Megg & Mogg. From the upcoming guest-star-studded “acid episode”!
* We’ve all been there, Scott Pilgrim. (Via Kiel Phegley.)

* A lady by my collaborator Isaac Moylan.
* A lady by my collaborator Jonny Negron.
* Chris Ware is an articulate and empathetic interview subject, even a moving one as the end of this interview makes very clear, but he is also just a machine for churning out hilariously embarrassed reactions to his own work. I wish I had the cock-of-the-walk attitude of all the people I’ve seen making fun of Ware for his genuine self-effacement. Must be nice to breeze through life like that! (Via Drawn and Quarterly.)
Carnival of souls: TCAF, Ben Marra’s webcomic, CCC’s erotic comics, more
May 9, 2011* Tom Spurgeon talks TCAF. That sounds like an incredible show; the guest list alone is astonishing, I saw publisher and exhibitor after publisher and exhibitor tweeting that they’d sold out of this or that book by the end of the first day, and the free festivals always feel much less like summer camp for comics lifers and more like, well, a festival.
* Benjamin Marra is launching a new webcomic called Zorion the Swordlord, to be written and drawn on an ad-hoc basis during downtime on his commute, as part of a sprawling mythology he’s touched on here and there already called Space Barbarians of the Ultimate Future Dimensions:
The Space Gods then created the SPACE BARBARIANS OF THE ULTIMATE FUTURE DIMENSIONS, warriors in different dimensions of the universe with individual destinies and adventures, existing and operating with no knowledge of each other, in separate realities taking place near the demise of the universe. Each of the SPACE BARBARIANS, through their legion of adventures, is a piece to a puzzle which will stop the PHASER-AXE from completing it’s mission: to reach the HEARTSTAR and shatter all dimensions by cleaving the central sun in two.
I love Benjamin Marra.
* Wow: Various Closed Caption Comics members, with people like CF and Matthew Thurber riding shotgun, enter the “erotic artcomix” sweepstakes with Sock #1.
* Speaking of CCC, Zach Hazard Vaupen’s webcomic Rusted Skin Collection is an endearing combination of funny dick jokes and very weird drawing.
* A trio of noteworthy features from The Comics Journal: Sean Rogers interviews Chester Brown about Paying for It, kicking off a week of PfI programming;
* and Rob Clough lists his Top 25 minicomics of 2011 (and then some). Also noteworthy is this comment in which Rob makes a point I’d never even thought of before, which is that with various comics schools mandating the creation of minicomics as part of the curriculum, the format isn’t going anywhere, the relative ease of Kickstarter-funded book-format projects (not to mention simply publishing to the web) notwithstanding.
* Nick Gazin’s latest comics review round-up for Vice (which happily used the “comics” tag and thus showed up in my jerry-rigged comics-only Vice RSS feed) is also a stealth interview column, featuring brief chats with Gilbert Hernandez (it’s called “The Fritz Film Series,” sez Beto), Johnny Ryan, Michael DeForge, and Benjamin Marra.
* It’s kind of funny to me to report on in-story developments in a Frank comic, superhero-style, but I was pretty excited to hear Jim Woodring say that Frank will be leaving the Unifactor in his next book, The Congress of the Animals.
* Zom of the Mindless Ones continues his series on the Joker with a piece on Grant Morrison’s “super-sane” take on the Clown Prince of Crime.
* Kudos to Kiel Phegley for getting the ever-fascinating Marvel editor Tom Brevoort to confirm a connection between Marvel Studios’ ownership of movie rights to certain Marvel characters and those characters’ attendant higher profiles in Marvel comics. Brevoort characterizes it as an issue of easier coordination with their in-house studio rather than “let’s favor the Avengers over Spidey or the X-Men because we’re not Sony or Fox,” however, but it’s still the most direct explanation yet of a relationship between the two phenomena that I’d long suspected.
* Ben Morse writes about Thor in the context of that weird superhero-comics phenomenon wherein if your first impression of a character comes during an off-model period for that character it skews your understanding of how that character works pretty much for the rest of your life. I was thinking about that the other day in Target when I walked through the action-figure aisle and saw that a series of “classic fight”-type Marvel two-packs come packaged with the comic in which the fight in question took place; what’s a kid who gets the Dark Spider-Man/Dark Wolverine two-pack from his grandma going to think of it all?
* This admittedly awesome page from Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns sold for $450,000, making me wish Batman were real and there were a villain that represented income inequality in America whom he could punch repeatedly in the face.
* Emily Carroll profiled; Emily Carroll’s website revamped — now you can find all of her webcomics (including at least one I’d never heard of before) in one place, not to mention quite a bit of her illustration work.
* Jesse Moynihan’s Forming remains dizzyingly complex and lovely.
* Travis Greenwood of the fine t-shirt company Found Item Clothing interviews the guy who played the little kid in the “BULL SHIT” t-shirt in The Jerk — the greatest movie t-shirt ever.
Carnival of souls: Tokyopop meltdown, two giant Bowie videos, a Michael Jackson t-shirt labeled “Purple Rain,” more
March 2, 2011* My Robot 6 colleague Brigid Alverson’s piece on the decline and fall of manga publisher Tokyopop, culminating in yesterday’s sacking of three top editors, is pretty brutal in that it lays the blame squarely at the feet of apparent absentee head honcho Stu Levy. Hmmm — dilettantish mogul largely abandons the publishing venture that made him successful for other shiny objects, leaving a plethora of talented and dedicated editorial and creative professionals to wither on the vine and/or take the hits for his bad decisions, occasionally returning to insult the field he works in and fire people who work for him? Sounds like someone I know.
* Tom Spurgeon muses on the failure of DC’s First Wave line of pulp-hero comics to really crest.
* Battlestar Galactica‘s Katee Sackhoff wants to play Deena Pilgrim in FX’s tv adaptation of Powers. Related: I want Battlestar Galactica‘s Katee Sackhoff to play Deena Pilgrim in FX’s tv adaptation of Powers. (Thanks for the image, Rob Bricken.)
* Man, staring at that picture makes me realize how much I miss Sackhoff’s weekly presence in my life.
* Uno Moralez draws the Illuminati. Everyone sees his LiveJournal in Cyrllic, right? It’s not just me?
* DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK UNLESS YOU’VE SEEN EVERY SINGLE EPISODE OF LOST. But if you have, by all means click that link.
* I laughed so, so, so hard at this gallery of stupid rock t-shirt mash-ups that Matthew Perpetua and John Gara made for Rolling Stone. I just wish it included a picture of Tori Amos labeled “Björk.”
* If you’ve got an hour and a half to kill and you love David Bowie (the latter is obviously true for me, but not the former, alas), here are two ginormous videos starring him that you can watch. The first is a full performance from 1978, featuring Talking Heads/King Crimson guitar murderer Adrian Belew and an all-killer-no-filler setlist, provided you enjoy “Alabama Song.” The second, believe it or not, is Cracked Actor, the infamous 1975 BBC documentary by Alan Yentob, chronicling David’s supremely coked-out Philly Dogs tour in 1974. (Links via Ryan Sands and Matt Maxwell; Cracked Actor uploaded by @georgelazenby, who isn’t the one-time James Bond actor but is the best Twitter account on all of Twitter.)
Cracked Actor from georgelazenby on Vimeo.
Carnival of souls: Neilalien retires, the complete Kill Bill, the Oscar-winning composer of “Starfuckers, Inc.”, Game of Thrones trailer, more
February 28, 2011* Neilalien, the first comicsblogger, has retired after an astonishing eleven years of blogging. I talk a little bit about what this means, and what it means to me personally, over at Robot 6.
* Quentin Tarantino has apparently finished putting together the long-promised Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair, which will debut theatrically on March 27th with seven new minutes of O-Ren Ishii anime.
* Nine Inch Nails mastermind Trent Reznor, Videodrome/Thriller/The Ring make-up effects demigod Rick Baker, and Velvet Goldmine/Reign of Fire star Christian Bale all won Oscars at the Academy Awards last night. That’s three for the good guys.
* Jinkies, get a load of the new Game of Thrones trailer. This looks pretty much exactly how I’d want it to look. I do feel, however, that I should say I found myself a bit concerned today that it could devolve into a bit of a harridan-off between Catelyn and Cersei. Hopefully it won’t, but after The Walking Dead I think people will certainly be paying attention to this sort of thing, and rightfully so. (Via Westeros.)
* Variety notes that the pending TV show is already boosting book sales in a big way. This link was also via Westeros, which has more.
* Speaking of Westeros, HBO’s official Game of Thrones site interviews Westeros co-founder Elio Garcia. What a delightful story of the impact A Song of Ice and Fire fandom has had on his life.
* Very very pretty A Song of Ice and Fire fanart by Kali Ciesemier: Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, and Brienne of Tarth. (Via Westeros yet again.)
* Finally, they’re a bit pricey, but there are now official Game of Thrones t-shirts featuring the emblems and words of various major Houses. Have we reached Peak Nerd? (Via Winter Is Coming.)
* Zack Soto is relaunching his much-missed alt-superhero/fantasy comic The Secret Voice as a weekly webcomic! Very exciting news.
* FX has greenlit a pilot for an adaptation of Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming’s very good cops-and-capes series Powers. Lots and lots of potential there.
* It’s looking more and more like the upcoming Marvel event Fear Itself will indeed be about giant dudes getting Asgardian warhammers and wrecking shop with them. I fully support this, even given the Tron costume piping.
* Curt Purcell is still working his way through Lost: Here he is on Season Three and Season Four. I have a lot i want to say about all this but I’ll probably wait till he’s finished the series.
* Are these new Cenobite Halloween costumes, designed by Clive Barker himself, the greatest Halloween costumes of all time?
* The Lord of the Rings costume designer Ngila Dickson won’t be working on The Hobbit due to prior commitments. That’s really a shame, and evidence, perhaps, of the potential tolls on talent and experience the films’ endless delays have taken.
* A John Hankiewicz comic I totally missed? Folks, I count on you to prevent things like this from happening.
* Hey, I made Kanye + Comics!
Carnival of souls: Borders, Fear Itself, He-Man, more
February 16, 2011* Borders is bankrupt. That’s pretty bad news for a lot of publishers.
* I’ll tell you what: If Marvel’s upcoming mega-event Fear Itself really does turn out to be about various heroes and villains battling for control of a bunch of magic Thor warhammers, I am on board. Giant muscly dudes smacking each other in the head with hammers is pretty much why I read superhero comics.
* Gabrielle Bell’s comics have really been clicking with me hard lately.
* I quite liked my friend TJ Dietsch’s review of Brian K. Vaugahn and Tony Harris’s recently completed series Ex Machina. TJ had many of the same problems I did with the ending; he makes a why-didn’t-I-think-of-that linkage between the separate ways in which both Vaughan and Harris seemed to run out of steam toward the end; and he uses it as a springboard for musing a bit on the different ways we react to a disappointing ending for a work of long-form fiction in terms of how we might or might not revisit that work. That’s something I think fans of some of the past decade’s great television shows in particular have probably thought a lot about, with the endings of The Sopranos, The Wire, Deadwood, Lost, and Battlestar Galactica all giving varying segments of those shows’ audiences pause.
* Also relevant to my interests: Tom Spurgeon reviews a pair of recent Dark Horse Conan collections, the animating idea of the critique being that character growth is bad for a character of this kind. Food for thought.