Posts Tagged ‘podcast’
The Boiled Leather Audio Hour Episode 124!
February 19, 2021I’m so excited to share this one: I’m the solo host of the new episode of the Boiled Leather Audio Hour, as special guest Gretchen Felker-Martin and I share nearly two hours of discussion on the New Golden Age of Television. From the stone classics to underrated gems, we cover so much ground here. I hope you enjoy it—listen here or wherever you get your podcasts!
STC on The Silence of the Lambs
February 12, 2021I joined Ricky Camilleri and Chris Chafin on the Thirty Years Later podcast to talk about all things The Silence of the Lambs. It’s a wide-ranging conversation about the cornerstone of the Hannibal Lecter Cinematic Universe that I think you’ll really enjoy!
The Boiled Leather Audio Hour Episode 122!
January 25, 2021Who taught Bran Stark and future media superstars Dunk & Egg how to do what they do? Find out in part three of me and Stefan Sasse’s series on the Teachers of Ice and Fire in the latest episode of the Boiled Leather Audio Hour, available at our Patreon or wherever you get your podcasts!
The Boiled Leather Audio Conversation: On Cop Shows
January 14, 2021STC on “Raised by Wolves” on Crazed by Wolves
November 3, 2020I forgot to mention this, but I appeared on the Raised by Wolves podcast Crazed by Wolves to discuss the show’s wild first season. Enjoy!
The Boiled Leather Audio Hour Episode 117!
October 5, 2020Who taught Sansa and Arya Stark to do what they do? Stefan Sasse and I examine this question in the first part of our series on the teachers of Ice and Fire in the latest Boiled Leather Audio Hour episode—available here or wherever you get your podcasts!
The Boiled Leather Audio Hour Episode 110!
June 12, 2020Stefan Sasse and I tackle the Tyrion sample chapter(s) from The Winds of Winter in our latest BLAH episode, available via our Patreon or wherever you get your podcasts!
The Boiled Leather Audio Hour Episode 109!
May 30, 2020In the latest episode of BLAH, Stefan and I discuss the Barristan sample chapter(s) from The Winds of Winter. Available at the link or wherever you get your podcasts!
STC vs. Struggle Session vs. Road House
April 16, 2020I’m back on the terrific Struggle Session podcast this week, as the gang and I take a look at a movie close to my heart, Road House. This was a fun as hell discussion and I hope you enjoy it!
The Boiled Leather Audio Hour Episode 106!
April 11, 2020The Winds of Winter keep blowing as Stefan Sasse and I tackle the Arianne II sample chapter—available here or wherever you find your podcasts!
The Boiled Leather Audio Hour Episode 105!
March 28, 2020You’ve got time on your hands—why not spend it by listening to Stefan Sasse and I discuss the “Arianne I” sample chapter from The Winds of Winter in the latest episode of the Boiled Leather Audio Hour—available here and wherever fine podcasts are sold!
The Boiled Leather Audio Hour Episode 102!
February 18, 2020I’m back on the Boiled Leather Audio Hour podcast to talk to my co-host Stefan Sasse about the “Alayne” sample chapter from The Winds of Winter! Intrigue abounds! Find it here or wherever fine podcasts are sold!
The Boiled Leather Audio Conversation: Horror and Wrestling
February 17, 2020STC vs DYA
January 30, 2020I’ve made my triumphant return to the Delete Your Account podcast to talk to co-hosts Roqayah Chamseddine and Kumars Salehi about the year in movies, the decade in TV, the horror renaissance, the Star Wars situation, and more!
The Boiled Leather Audio Hour Episode 97!
November 26, 2019Me and Stefan Sasse vs. the “Mercy” sample chapter from George R.R. Martin’s The Winds of Winter—it’s all going down in the latest episode of our podcast, available at our Patreon or anyplace podcasts can be listened to!
The Boiled Leather Audio Hour #95: Chapter Analysis: Theon I, The Winds of Winter
October 21, 2019Stefan and I are starting a series of Boiled Leather Audio Hour episodes going in-depth on each of the available sample chapters from The Winds of Winter, starting with a look at Theon I!
The Boiled Leather Audio Hour #93: A Song of Ice, Fire, and Water
September 16, 2019I’m back on BLAH this week with a look at the role and symbolism of water in A Song of Ice and Fire—including water-based magic, houses that derive their strength and identity from water, the use of bodies of water by characters in the story, and more!
The Boiled Leather Audio Hour Episode 81! PLUS! The Boiled Leather Audio Moment #24 & #25!
January 1, 2019BLAH 81: Sean & Stefan on Fire & Blood
George R.R. Martin is back with a new book. Sean T. Collins is back as an illustrious cohost. Sean & Stefan talk Fire & Blood for a full 90 minutes. ’Nuff said!
BLAM 24: Life-Changing ASoIaF Writing
Our subscriber-exclusive series of minipodcasts is back, BAY-BAY! This time around, Sean & Stefan answer our patreon subscriber The Orange Man’s inquiry about the essays, articles, and posts we’ve read that have had the greatest impact on how we thought about A Song of Ice and Fire from then on. Click here and subscribe for just $2 a month for the answers!
BLAM 25: The Top 5 Characters to Have Sex With
Only Sean’s friend and $5-a-month patron Gretchen Felker-Martin is a big enough horndog to be responsible for this installment in our subscriber-only series of mini-podcasts: Who are the top five lays in all of Westeros and Essos? Obviously, this was fun to answer, and we answered it irrespective of orientation so there’s something for everyone. Subscribe for the low low price of $2 a month and enjoy!
Additional links:
Our Patreon page at
Our PayPal donation page (also accessible via
The Boiled Leather Audio Hour Episode 80.5!
December 31, 2018A Lot of Stones and No Bread
What’s this? Is it a bird? A plane? No, it’s a bonus episode of the Boiled Leather Audio Hour! Back when I did the episode with guest host Jim McGeehin on military matters, we reaffirmed our shared love of games – video games, roleplaying games and board games, but decided to keep it out of the podcast (and failing to do so).
We couldn’t let go of the topic, however, and so we decided to come back round to it and dedicate an entire episode to it. Since our gaming interests are somewhat niche even in nerd terms, I thought it would be a bit much to sell this as a regular BLAH episode to our listeners who might not really be interested in this. Therefore, this is episode 80.5, a purely bonus episode. If you’re interested in this stuff, give it a shot, if not, well…don’t. The regular December episode will still come, and it will be a special treat.
A quick comment on the audio: I give the seperation of audio tracks yet another go, so hopefully this finally works with headphones. Please give me feedback on this. And second, after finally being almost finished cutting and editing the episode, the file crashed and I had to start over. I currently don’t have the time to do this again, so this is largely a rough cut. I’m really sorry about this, and the audio will be better again next time.
Additional Links:
Jim’s recommendations:
Gloomhaven – Scion – Steam sale
Stefan’s recommendations:
The Boiled Leather Audio Hour Episode 80!
December 31, 2018Fire, Blood, Oily Stones, and Narratives
The Boiled Leather Audio History Hour is coming to your house! Aziz and Ashaya from the “History of Westeros” podcast are doing us the honor of providing not one but two illustrious guest co-hosts for this episode.
Of course, I’m taking them to task and interview them about the near and far history of Westeros. We talk the Dance of the Dragons and the Blackfyre rebellion as precursors to the narrative and foreshadowing it, delve into oily black stones and the Long Night and, finally, break some eggs. You have to listen to the show to get that reference.
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