Posts Tagged ‘boiled leather audio moment’
The Boiled Leather Audio Moment #5
April 28, 2017Moment 05 | Battlestar Galactica Season 3
Don’t worry, Westerosophists—our next Boiled Leather Audio Hour will be a deep dive into one of ASoIaF’s foundational texts. But we’re mixing it up on BLAM a bit this month, with a look at a different franchise: the mid-’00s Battlestar Galactica reboot, specifically its landmark third season. With a hot-button political storyline featuring the occupation of the new human homeworld by Cylon invaders, the reign of a collaborationist regime led by President Gaius Baltar, a human insurgency replete with suicide bombings, and the eventual fall of the regime and trial of its leader/catspaw Baltar, it’s led one of our readers to ask us how we think the season speaks to the political climate of 2016/2017, and what its influence on Game of Thrones might have been. Listen and find out in our latest Patreon subscriber-exclusive mini-podcast!
The Boiled Leather Audio Moment #4!
March 10, 2017Moment 04 | Cersei’s Breaking Point
This month’s Patreon subscriber-exclusive BLAM hits close to home, as Sean & Stefan answer a listener question about the madness of Queen Cersei. We first gain access to her point of view after the deaths of her son Joffrey and father Tywin; does this push her past a breaking point, or would her POV have been materially similar had it started earlier? The BLAM Boys apply lessons from life and literature to arrive at the answer. Click here to subscribe to our Patreon so you can hear the episode, and thank you so much for your patronage!
The Boiled Leather Audio Moment #3!
February 13, 2017Moment_03___Westeros_After_the_Song_Is_Over.mp3
Moment 03 | Westeros After the Song Is Over
BLAM is back…to the future! In this episode of our Patreon subscriber-exclusive mini-podcast devoted to listener questions about A Song of Ice and Fire, we’re speculating on the fate of the realm following the conclusion of the saga. Who will sit the Iron Throne? Will there even be an Iron Throne to sit? Will the Seven Kingdoms be seven in truth again, or will the system fracture further? What kinds of people will be left in charge? And will the supernatural likes of Bloodraven remain involved? Smash that play button for the answers, and thanks as always for your patronage!
The Boiled Leather Audio Moment #2!
January 31, 2017Moment 02 | Our Origin Stories
The second installment of our subscriber-only mini-podcast series is here! In this episode we’re answering a popular reader question about our personal histories with A Song of Ice and Fire—when we started reading the books, how we got involved in the fandom, and so on. We also attempt to predict what will become of all this once the book series is finished. Click here to listen, or to subscribe for the low low introductory rate of just $1 a month!
The Boiled Leather Audio Moment #1!
January 10, 2017Moment 01 | The Fate of the Direwolves
I’m pleased to announce that the first installment of the Boiled Leather Audio Moment, our subscriber-exclusive new podcast, is now up! Each BLAM will be a mini-episode in which Stefan and I focus (for now anyway) on your questions about A Song of Ice and Fire. Our inaugural installment answers a question posed by subscriber and longtime friend of the podcast Leslie Jividen: What will be the fate of the surviving Stark/Snow direwolves, from Ghost on down? If you’re already a patron, click here to hear us give it the ol’ greenseer try, and please accept our very sincere thanks for your patronage! If not, go to and subscribe at the low low limited-time level of $1/month for access to all our ASoIaF wisdom!