Carnival of souls

* Here’s two minutes of footage from the Lost season five premiere.

Lost is a good television show. (Via AICN.)

* Jog reviews Powr Mastrs Vol. 2. I’m not sold on the idea that this comic is “friendly”–I find it really skin-crawlingly creepy. Not that I’m complaining!

* Amazing Spider-Man: Sins Past author J. Michael Straczynski calls his screenplay adaptation of Max Brooks’s World War Z a Bourne Identity-style thriller. So, you know, there’s that.

* If you have an iPhone you can download the comic-book adaptation of Clive Barker’s The Thief of Always, by Kris Oprisko and Gabriel Hernandez. I rather liked it, especially Hernandez’s art.

* Meet the coconut crab, a former resident of Guam that is moving to my nightmares as of tonight. (“Thanks,” Sam Costello.)


* Austin English asks Tom Neely 20 Questions about his comics and his process.

* Speaking of Tom, he participated in a Giant Robot art show for which he drew portraits of his favorite writers and artists on post-it notes. Here’s but a few, and there are much more at the link:





2 Responses to Carnival of souls

  1. shags says:

    that crab looks like something from Cloverfield. do not want!

  2. Sam Costello says:

    What can I say – I thought the crab was cool and very upsetting indeed (those two things being one and the same for me sometimes, strangely). Imagine this, though: I had a very long dream about Dave Sim last night.


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