How the major news media is getting away with claiming the Kay Report said “we got nothing” (that’s an actual quote, by the way, from NBC White House correspondent Campbell Brown on The Chris Matthews Show this Sunday) is just beyond me. But maybe that’s because I always thought the job of the news media was to tell, you know, the truth. Anyway, I reiterate that you should read the actual report and draw your own conclusions. I’ll bet they’re different than Campbell Brown’s.
On a related topic (though he’ll insist they aren’t), Jim Henley makes some good points about how the Bush administration is super-un-conservative in the big-government sense of the word, but then says that “the national greatness types, and the Administration whose foreign and ‘defense’ policy they drive, are the salient threat to liberty in America today.” And here I thought the salient threat to liberty in America today was, y’know, terrorism. It certainly was for these people.