“Candy” thoughts, Episode Three: “Overkill”

Candy is a drama about a woman who chopped her friend up with an axe over an affair that began with a literal list of pros and cons. Seriously: When we join Candy and her would-be inamorata Allan as they plot their affair, there’s a big sheet of bround paper taped to a nearby window wall with all the “Whys” and “Why Nots” written down in black marker. “Adventure :)” reads one item on the Why side, complete with a smiley face; “Could be good for spouses!?” is up there too. The Why Not that concerns Candy the most is “Danger of emotions”—though given that Allan kicks off the part of the discussion we see with that famously romantic phrase “Let’s talk logistics,” it’s not at all clear that emotions enter into the picture at all. At least it wouldn’t be clear, if it weren’t for the whole eventual axe-murder thing.

I reviewed episode three of Candy for Decider.

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