“Silo” thoughts, Season Two, Episode 7: “The Dive”

Everyone’s off on a side quest in this episode of Silo. That’s not a bad thing! Ask any gamer worth their salt and they’ll tell you that the wooly, rambling parts of an open-world game are the best part. True video game happiness is when you could probably advance toward the final boss if you wanted but you’re having too much fun solving puzzles and braving dangers and helping farmers locate their lost chickens and what have you to stop playing anytime soon. 

I don’t know if that was the remit for this week’s script, by writer Katherine DiSavino, but as a metaphor it works pretty neatly. Virtually across the board, all of our main and secondary characters are engaged in side quests this week. It might feel like treading water — literally so, in Juliette’s case — but it’s where a show can stretch its legs a bit.

I reviewed last week’s Silo for Decider.