“The Idol” thoughts, Season One, Episode Two: “Double Fantasy”

To that point, this episode has very little time for the “The Idol is a glorification of abusers” viewpoint, because much as he was in the pilot (remember that gross coke loogie he hocks?), Tedros is depicted as a tacky and obvious grifter creep at every opportunity — the exception, of course, being when he’s pouring on the charm-and-dom routine for Jocelyn in the flesh. But behind the scenes, he’s talking about her like a business investment for his club — the exact same way he talks about Dyanne (Jennie Kim), the talented backup dancer he seems to have steered into Jocelyn’s orbit specifically to replace her. Writer-director Sam Levinson literally has Tedros do the “no, I’m alone” bit over the phone to Joss when in fact he’s surrounded by people and getting his hair braided that very moment. For god’s sake, his name is Tedros Tedros! Tedros is a ridiculous dick! It isn’t subtle!

I reviewed this week’s episode of The Idol for Decider.

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