126. Thug casual

Look at this sorry state of affairs. Look at what the goon industry in Jasper has become. This fearsome foursome have stepped right out of a Promise Keepers meeting and into the parking lot of the Double Deuce in an attempt to assassinate Dalton by kicking him in the head with a knife. The denim bandit taking point is Ketchum, obviously, as you’ll recall from previous posts about Road House‘s most anonymous and yet also for some reason ultimately most prominent goon. The other three guys…well, they’re stuntmen, that’s the easiest way to put it, stuntmen who have no lines and appear in no other scenes and are only there to have a dust-up with Dalton and his bouncers that will leave their acid-washed asses in the dirt.

Tinker and O’Connor have better luck than these clowns do in taking Dalton on, as a matter of fact. Yes, in the previous fight Pat McGurn gets his nose broke and his ass kicked through a plate-glass window before he so much as lands a blow, though for attempting to carve Dalton like a Christmas ham with a knife the size of his forearm he should at least get an E for Effort. But Tinker comes close to killing Dalton, and he and O’Connor work both Dalton and Tilghman over pretty good before Dalton regains the upper hand against the Bleeder and the other bouncers team up on the big man.

Ketchum and company? Dalton and Jack spot them coming from a mile away. They post up with Hank and Younger just inside the vestibule and block these dopes from getting in. Dalton catches Ketchum’s would-be deathblow, violently twists the guy’s ankle, then literally drags his ass out into the parking lot. There’s some back and forth out there I suppose but there’s no reversal to speak of, where the bad guys are winning but then Dalton stages a comeback. Nope, they just go at it until the bouncers defeat the goons one by one. Ketchum is reduced to shouting “You son of a bitch!” as he’s dragged away with just one boot on, since Dalton lobbed the other one up on the bar’s roof, like Walter White with the pizza that one time. Just a disgraceful performance from top to bottom.

Ketchum, as we’ll see, returns with a vengeance, but these other guys are never seen again. After their work tonight, it’s entirely possible Brad Wesley beat them all to death in his driveway while smiling wryly as his other minions looked on and chuckled. Or perhaps after that they drifted East to perform other tasks in Wesley’s service but were never heard from again by the main characters, kind of like the Blue Wizards from Tolkien before Christopher revealed he’d revised their origin and made them part of anti-Sauron activity in the Second Age instead of the Third. (Seriously, apparently Professor T wound up deciding they came over from Valinor with Glorfindel now rather than Saruman, Gandalf, and Radagast. Blew my mind too.) My best guess, though, is that they simply went back to their day jobs at the Bass Pro Shop in the new mall. Take another look at those faces and tell me you wouldn’t be able to get a hell of a fly-fishing lure recommendation out of every man jack of them. They couldn’t possibly fuck it up worse than they fucked up being goons, I can tell you that much.

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