“Daredevil” thoughts, Season Three, Episode Two: “Please”

I’d imagine this episode will test the patience of anyone who isn’t as sold on the rhythms of this cast and this concept as I am. I know how they feel: Every time characters on Luke Cage are filmed walking half a block just to talk to someone and then leave, every time Jessica Jones had a scene of its dully sardonic protagonist making quips and shooting daggers at someone while wearing the same pair of jeans, every time one of these series stalls out seven or eight episodes into a season because they basically dispatched the most interesting villain and have to figure out how to drag it out for another school day’s worth of screentime, I rue the day superheroes went from nerd culture to monoculture too.

But the thing is I am sold on the rhythms of this cast and this concept. I love looking at the faces of Charlie Cox and Deborah Ann Woll as Matt and Karen, love their soft beauty, love their warm voices. I love how Elden Henson quickly grew into the roll of their friend Foggy, who turned from an obnoxious comic-relief character into a bonafide character with an engaging way of moving through their weird world while still seeming basically normal.

I reviewed episode two of Daredevil Season Three for Decider.

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