“Westworld” thoughts, Season Two, Episode Four: “The Riddle of the Sphinx”

A hallmark of great art is showing you something you never imagined needing to see until you actually see it. No one is claiming that Westworldis the second coming of the Sistine Chapel, but the HBO hit has flashes of greatness from time to time – and there’s a scene in this week’s episode (“The Riddle of the Sphinx”) that’s damn near canon-worthy. Who knew that watching a grizzled Scottish character actor playing a robotic replica of himself, boogieing down to the manic crooning of Bryan Ferry in Roxy Music’s glam-dance classic “Do the Strand,” was what our lives were collectively missing? You can keep your mazes and mysteries and violent delights woth violent ends. We’ll take Peter Mullan’s Jim Delos rocking out to an Eno-produced glitter-rock jam any ol’ time.

I reviewed last night’s episode of Westworld for Rolling Stone. Typical Westworld: a good scene or two amid a ton of self-important dross.

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