“The Looming Tower” thoughts, Episode Five: “Y2K”

The Looming Tower is a cop show set in a world very much like our own: a world full of scumbags, banding together in little clandestine groups with a self-awarded licensed to kill on behalf of their scummy ideologies. Unlike the real world, however, the world of The Looming Tower has a magic-realist tinge to it. In Towerworld, there exist Cassandra-like oracles capable of seeing the future and its ocean of blood but utterly incapable of doing anything about it. In fact, to the characters, these unheeded, impotent prophets of doom are completely invisible. After all, they’re not characters themselves. They’re the audience.

I reviewed last week’s episode of The Looming Tower for Decider. It was the first one where the lethal folly of this War of the Shitheads really started getting to me.

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