Carnival of souls

* Recently at Robot 6:

* Wizard ends it Charge of the Big Apple Brigade against the New York Comic Con but still schedules shows around it sniper-style;

* storybook drawings of R-rated movies;

* and three art-heavy reviews I liked a lot. Hmm, I wonder what it says that I liked these reviews in large part because of their well-chosen art, but virtually never include art in my own reviews. I think it mostly says that scanning is time-consuming and there are no scanners on the Long Island Rail Road.

* Hey, it’s a movie about a British Cold War-era submarine getting attacked by a giant squid. Apparently. It’s all rather oblique. Still, you know me and sea monsters. (Via Topless Robot.)

* Until you’ve bought and used a lawn mower on your own yard, you’ll never understand.

* Only two more episodes to go, so please check out last week’s Lost thoughts and then join us tonight for more!