Carnival of souls

* I interviewed Marvel’s Tom Brevoort at length for Robot 6 today. Tom’s a fascinating figure and I really enjoyed speaking with him.

* Also at Robot 6 today: Bill Ayers and Frank Miller are headlining MoCCA. Cue Odd Couple theme song!

* Incredible Hercules is being relaunched as Prince of Power in a way that would be spoilery were I to describe it to you, but I’m betting you can guess even without clicking. It’s funny–I interviewed Brevoort just a few days ago, but in the interim, two of the three series I cited as examples of critically acclaimed titles Marvel couldn’t get to stick have been relaunched. Again, I’m glad to see Marvel supporting books like Herc and Atlas…and I’m hoping Captain Britain & MI-13 gets revived for the hat trick.

* Very lively discussion in my latest Lost Thoughts comment thread. This was a controversial episode! Related: Todd VanDerWerff’s follow-up/round-up posts are starting to look like they’ll be as interesting as his actual reviews.

* Robert Kirkman talks about the upcoming, long-time-coming Invincible storyline The Viltrumite War. As this is basically the “Who Killed Laura Palmer?” for this series, it should be interesting to see how Kirkman navigates it and transitions the series out of it at the end.

* Aquaman’s back and Geoff Johns’s got him! That sounds good to me.

* Tom Spurgeon has the last word on conservative mau-mauing of Ed Brubaker’s Captain America.