I’ve been thinking a lot about what’s happening on Lost these days. You can’t know for sure until the show wraps up, but right now it seems like the actions of the characters–Sayid shooting Young Ben, for example, or Daniel’s disappearance, or the presence of Horace “I built Jacob’s cabin” Goodspeed–are edging closer and closer toward impacting the show’s central mysteries–the nature of the power struggle between the Hostiles/Others and the Dharma Initiative, the nature of the time fluctuations, the role of Jacob and so on. That’s gotten me in more of a theorizing mentality than I’ve been with the show in years. Actually, “theorizing” is too strong a word–speculating is more like it.
Anyway, my brother Ryan and I recently had a brief exchange about the show along these lines, and we thought people might get something out of it. We also continue making fun of Sayid, which is always a good time.
I don’t mean to defend my theory, because it’s only a teeny theory–I tend to share your belief that there’s too much time left in the show to put faith in ANY theory for very long. BUT I would say that in a show that started out about a plane crash on a desert island and a spooky monster in the jungle, which is now about time travel and conspiracies based in Ann Arbor, that putting faith in the writers’ dedication to any idea is an equally shaky proposition.
It is easy for me to imagine Daniel saying, “If you WERE somehow able to affect the past, the result would be an alternate reality–” and then he would say something meaningful and mysterious to the effect that “and that would be bad,” and then you’d go to commercial.
Oops, I meant “…affect the future…”
Good call everyone on the barracks being different; it was a fleeting thought that passed through my mind when Christian pointed out that picture that I’d completely forgotten about.
Also, yeah, I’ve been figuring that Ben murdered Penny at the docks ever since he said the line about having to keep a promise he made to an old friend. Ugh. I am NOT looking forward to that episode at all. Penny!
You know what I’m looking forward to? One of the 1977 castaways confronting Ben in the present day, now that they know he obviously knew exactly who they were all along during the ’00s. “Well, hello, Ben. Hey, guess what. I just got back from 1977, and you know who I met there?”
I still don’t think young Ben knows anything about who anyone is–AND I’m convinced that he’s really dead. I think the rest of the season’s conflict will be everyone has to do something wacky in order to “save” Ben Linus, or else the world will crumble into bits. Drama X 1,000,000!
Lost thoughts: Season Five episode guide
Below are links to all my “Lost thoughts” posts for this season. I’ll add a link to any post-finale posts when they go up. Episode 5.1: Because You Left/Episode 5.2: The Lie Episode 5.3: Jughead Episode 5.4: The Little Prince…