Cage Variations Variations, or Very Bad Boy’s Club

Please read this before viewing the images below.


This plus this equals this:



(courtesy of the comic genius of Matt Wiegle)

2 Responses to Cage Variations Variations, or Very Bad Boy’s Club

  1. Curt says:

    Ha! Funny you should post this–I’ve not read the BOY’S CLUB comics, but I have read your reviews, and in the kitchen scene here it seemed like you were going for a similar effect to what you describe liking about them. This seemed very familiar in another way, too–don’t you have a story like this in MURDER?

  2. Curt, the funny thing is that the characters in my comics are based directly on my life in college, and Boy’s Club has made everyone I know who’s read it and remembers my college years say “this is just like you and your roommates,” I never would have made the connection between the two comics until Matt whipped this together. Basically, my comics are Boy’s Club gone horribly, horribly wrong.

    And yes, there was a comic about this idea, told from a slightly different angle, in Murder. (That one was called “Kitchen Sink.”) Matt Rota and I are doing a series of these comics, each presenting a slightly different version of events, called the Cage Variations.

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