Carnival of souls

* J.R.R. Tolkien continues to do his best Tupac Shakur impression: Tolkien’s The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun, “a volume of rare Norse epic poetry,” will be released in May. The Children of Hurin was excellent, fwiw.

* Battlestar Galactica returns on Friday and will run an extra 3 1/2 minutes, so a lot of websites are saying to adjust your DVRs, but in my experience they usually pick up on this sort of thing automatically. I dunno, it’s publicity, I guess. Also, that prequel webisode series The Face of the Enemy has wrapped up and I rather liked it. Not for the squeamish, mind you. Or for, I dunno, Rick Warren.

* The hardcover collection of Marvel’s adaptation of The Stand, which I believe will contain some supplemental items courtesy of yours truly, will only be available in comic shops.

* Via everywhere, part one: Samuel L. Jackson says he and Marvel Studios have not come to a salary agreement regarding his returning as Nick Fury, the character basically drawn for him to eventually play, in subsequent Marvel movies like Iron Man 2 and The Avengers. You have to imagine the possibility of a likeness lawsuit is a possible bargaining chip here, no?

* Via everywhere, part two: Warner Bros. and Fox appear close to a settlement over the rights to distribute Watchmen.

* Via everywhere, part three: Covered, a new blog launched by comics artist and animator Robert Goodin and featuring various artists doing cover versions of their favorite comics covers. Here’s Jeffrey Brown doing Mike Zeck’s Secret Wars.


* Pat Johnson is the new head honcho at big-deal literary comics publishing imprint Pantheon. (Via Heidi Macdonald.)

* The Spanish first-person zombie movie [REC] was just alright for me, dawg, but if you’re into it, you can finally legally purchase a playable DVD version of it via as of January 27th.

* When good movies happen to good posters: Jason Adams reports that The Broken, which spawned the memorable poster below, was actually pretty good. Nice to know.


* Speaking of good posters, this little number for the upcoming Crank 2 is just about as ridiculous and wonderful as one imagines the film itself will be. (Hat tip: Adam Tracey.)


* Marc-Oliver Frisch takes another swing at the “how to read and review event comics” piƱata.

* Oooh, look, someone mapped the Star Wars galaxy! My Rebel Alliance insignia tattoo is glowing. (Via Topless Robot.)


* Finally, here’s Kate Winslet flashing her underwear. Eternal Sunshine indeed.


2 Responses to Carnival of souls

  1. Kiel Phegley says:

    I wrote this book a long time ago…was the best book I ever wrote…in ’44…

  2. Ben Morse says:

    I am not a big Secret Wars fan, but I am a big fan of that Jeffrey Brown cover.

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