Carnival of souls

* A judge in Australia has ruled that Tijuana bible-style imagery involving the Simpsons kids constitutes child pornography. (Via Tom Spurgeon.) In light of the Christopher Handey case here in the States, it’s important to note and loudly decry these kinds of rulings–particularly since even in the comics commentariat there are prominent, impassioned, and woefully misguided voices who applaud such decisions and say they feel oppressed by those of us who rightly recognize them not just as the first step toward potential legal action against everything from A Child’s Life to A Contract with God to Blankets, but as bad, freedom-curtailing rulings in their own right.

* The live action film adaptation of Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely’s excellent We3–a comic that had no small impact on my becoming a vegetarian–will be helmed by Kung Fu Panda director John Stevenson, according to produce/wheeler-dealer Don Murphy.

* A trailer has leaked for McG’s post-apocalyptic continuation of the Terminator series, Terminator Salvation, and for now you can still see it here. I had less than no interest in Terminator 3: This One Has Tits and even less interest in anything else McG has ever directed, but the second you throw Christian Bale and some Mad Max imagery into the fairly entertaining Terminator mythos, you’ve got my attention, I’ll admit.

* And if you’re willing to jump through some iTunes hoops, here’s the San Diego Comic Con Watchmen footage.

* Good reviews of good comics part one: Jog reviews Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips’s Criminal.

* Good reviews of good comics part two: Tom Spurgeon reviews Brian Ralph’s Daybreak.