Carnival of souls

* I’ve got about 50% of the final episode of The Wire to go, if you’ve been wondering.

* Neil Marshall, director of the excellent The Descent, the so-so Dog Soldiers, and the upcoming, cool-looking Doomsday, has announced his next project: a period Western horror film called Sacrilege which he describes as “Unforgiven by way of H.P. Lovecraft.” Sounds good to me! And speaking of Lovecraft…

* Krazy Old Comics Water Monster #1: Dave at Rue Morgue has the goods on an “America’s Choice” brand Cthulhu from Charlton Comics’ Baron Weirwulf’s Haunted Library. His name…Kulu! I know, clever, right?


* Krazy Old Comics Water Monster #2: Siskoid brings us this panel of some sonuvabitch shooting a rocket launcher at a perfectly good plesiosaur.
