Archive for June 2, 2007

Speaking of mythic creatures…

June 2, 2007

Ever since I visited the place and found that one of the tourist attraction museums basically admits that all the good evidence is forged and the beastie is probably just a series of landlocked sturgeons, I’ve gone from true believer to skeptic on the topic of the Loch Ness Monster. Still, the Gordon Holmes footage of Nessie is easily the biggest water-monster news since the giant squid discoveries, and Loren Coleman’s Cryptomundo is all over it (as you might expect), with image stabilizations, close-ups of the “head and neck” area, a comparison to an easily hoax-able radio-controlled model, and a version of the footage without that irritating watermark, which I’m reproducing here.

If at first you don’t succeed…

June 1, 2007

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I’m goin’ back to the Mythic Creatures exhibition at the American Museum of Natural History tomorrow. I bought tickets in advance and everything!

Nascent T-shirt blogging

June 1, 2007

Aside from movies and books and comics and albums, which to me don’t really count because they’re works of art with which I actively engage rather than objects to be appreciated, the one thing I collect (I realized about a month ago or so) is T-shirts, and I’ve been meaning to post about some of my favorites, for no other reason than I think they’re neat. (Man, looking at these past few entries, it’s been an eclectic few days around here, huh?)

We’ll see if I get to that plan anytime soon, but in the meantime, here’s howto fold a T-shirt in two seconds.

And here’s a YouTube video of a similar feat, but without the step-by-step explanation offered above.

I’ve got a couple drawers of clothing with this thing’s name all over them.

(Hat tip: Jackie Danicki.)

Game Over

June 1, 2007

Who would have anticipated the Barkerian horror Pac-Man would become if you flayed the little yellow chomper of his skin and exposed the skull and teeth beneath?

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Seriously, is that not the kind of thing a Books of Blood character would gaze upon in speechless, insane awe just before it clambered up his body to snuff out his life? Almost makes you want to root for Blinky and the rest of the little ghosts.

More at Le Gentil Garçon.

(Via Strange Ink.)