I’ve decided

I’ve decided not to bother with the “that sucked!” school of Sopranos final-episode criticism at all. I disagree so much–on the level of “well, you clearly were watching the show for reasons that were, if not objectively wrong, then at least 180 degrees apart from my own”–that there’d be no common ground to be found, and it would simply drive me crazy and lessen the enjoyment I got out of the series. And fuck that. I’m not looking for reasons not to enjoy the things I enjoy, nor do I read and participate in criticism to wage campaigns of attrition.

3 Responses to I’ve decided

  1. Jon Hastings says:

    That makes sense. I think I’ll join you.

  2. Bruce Baugh says:

    Preach it, Brother Sean.

  3. Bill says:


    I knew I could count on you to have a smart interpretation of that finale.

    I LOVED it.

    But that’s just me.

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